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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes from Dec. 23 meeting

December 29th, 2009


December 23, 2009

Members present: Carmine Fabrizio, Mike Shea, Jim Covey, Becki Pike, Tom Gately, Lori Hogan and Bonnie Moroney.

7:02M meeting brought to order by Tom Gately.

Becki said there was one correction in the 12/17/09 minutes. She said that Chief Trammell, had said they had 6 part time officers, not 7.

Carmine motioned to accept corrected minutes, Becki second and it passed

Bonnie read the e-mail from Maryclare requesting that $1.00 be put in the Tax Anticapation Note line 01-4721.10-201. She said we needed to have the there in event we needed to use that line. She also requested that any line that there was a chance they we would need it, to please put $1.00.

Bonnie also answered the question that had been asked about the monthly pole charge at the transfer station. Maryclare said she had looked in the 2008 minutes (9/8/08) budget time and it stated there is a monthly fee for running the poles when the new facility was built-it is for 20 years and began 2005. On the bill it shows at a line extension-monthly and is $366.56.

Tom said that we would go through all the line items that we had not addressed earlier, leaving the employee salary lines until after Lori gave her presentation.

4150.10-808 $1336.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Mike second and it passed.
4155.10-200 $69,678.00 Carmine motioned to accept, Bonnie second and it passed.
4155.10-301 $471.00 Lori motioned to accept Carmine second and it passed.
Bonnie asked about 4191.10-702 Circuit Ride Expenses and Tom said that we had voted on it before and he had voted to put it to $0.
4196.10-520 $21789.00 Carmine motioned to accept, Bonnie second and it passed.
4196.20-521 $0 Bonnie motioned to accept, Becki second and it passed.
4199.10-100 Contingency, Bonnie explained that that money is there for things that come up that are not planned for by the dept, or board. $20,000.00 Bonnie motioned to accept Carmine second and it passed.
02-4150.10-808 Comstar billing FD $5340.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Lori second and it passed.

Tom said he was unable to get a hold of Jeff during the week to ask about the Defib. Supplies, so he motioned to for 4220.10-410 $1,000.00, Lori second and it passed.
4312.10-901 Lori motioned to put at $15,000.00, Bonnie second and it passed.
4324.10-404 $5300.00 Lori motioned to accept, Mike second and it passed.

Tom motioned to accept the Water Dept. budget as the Select Board had presented it for a total of $98,939.00 Carmine second and it passed.

Lori asked it Maryclare had given Bonnie the Revenues to go over, and Bonnie said no but she would ask Maryclare for them.

Lori said that we needed to set the dates that we wanted to have the Public Hearing for the Budget Committee. She said that last year we had split it into two nights and that worked out better and we got out a lot earlier. After much discussion it was decided to have the public hearing on Jan. 12 for the Operating Budget and Jan 13th for the Money Warrants and any updates or corrections.
Bonnie said she would make sure to get the information to Maryclare so that I would get into the papers.

Lori asked what the select board had found out about health insurance. Bonnie said she would check into it and see where we stand on new information.

Lori presented the information that she had worked on about the salaries of our employees verses other towns. She presented budgets from 2003 thru proposed selectman’s 2010 budget and the percentage increases. She also went over the retirement, FICA, Medicare, Employee Insurance and unemployment compensation.

Lori presented a 5 year trend for wages within the Town of Carroll and also comparing salaried to Lincoln, Whitefield, Jackson, Lancaster, and Jefferson, then one more page for wage survey for populations for 999 or less. This showed the location of our wages from low to high for towns of 999 or less.

Lori asked Bonnie if the select board would change their recommendations looking at this information. Bonnie said that she would not speak for the board, but would like them to look this over for themselves.

We then went over and voted on the money warrant articles excepted by the select board.
1. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $14,000 for the 2010 tipping of bulky waste and construction debris and removal of tires, Freon, propane tanks, electronics, florescent light bulbs and antifreeze and further to authorize the withdrawal of that entire sum from the Recycling Special Revenue Fund established at the 2001 Town Meeting for this purpose. No amount to be raised from taxation. Carmine motioned to accept, Mike second and it passed.
2. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000.00 to purchase a glass crusher for the Transfer and Recycling Center. This appropriation will be raised from the Recycling Special Revenue Fund. No money will be raised from new taxation. This was tabled.
3. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for maintenance of the old landfill. This includes needs for actual physical maintenance, engineering and overseer expenses. The appropriation will come from the Landfill Closure Capital Reserve Fund established for this purpose. No money will be raised from new taxation. Bonnie motioned to accept, Carmine second and it passed.
4. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,320.00 for ground-water monitoring of the old landfill. $2,665.00 to pay for the engineer to take samples, produce reports and send the results to the town and state. $5,655.00 to pay the laboratory fees to process the samples. The total amount to come from the existing Landfill Closure Trust Fund established for this purpose. This warrant article will not require new taxation. Carmine motioned to accept, Mike second and it passed, Becki abstained.
5. Too see if the Town of Carroll will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $906.25 to contribute to the regional Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program. The program will provide residents access to a Household Hazardous Waste collection of household generated hazardous waste such as oil based paints, paint thinners, solvents pesticides, gasoline and household cleaners. Mike motioned to accept, Carmine second and it passed.
6. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $40,000.00. Said monies used to pay for Preliminary Engineering Report. Environmental Report, RDA Application Assistance, Hydraulic Modeling of the Storage and Distribution System, Base Map of the System: and Draft and Final Deliverables. This is a significant project that will identify planning for water system improvements. Carmine motioned to accept Lori second and it passed.
7. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $15,000.00 to be placed in the Municipal Truck Capital Reserve Fund. Carmine motioned to accept, Bonnie second and it passed.
8. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $18,000.00 to be placed in the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund. Bonnie motioned to accept, Carmine second and it was passed.
9. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $10,000.00 to be placed in the Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. Bonnie motioned to accept, Becki second and it was passed.
10. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $2,000.00 to be placed in the Computer Technology Capital Reserve Fund. Bonnie motioned to accept, Carmine second and it passed.
11. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $2,000.00 to be placed in the Library Improvement Capital Reserve Fund. Bonnie motioned to accept, Lori second and it passed.
12. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $10,000.00 to be placed in the Landfill Closure Capital Reserve Fund. Bonnie motioned to accept, Carmine second and it passed. Becki, abstained.
13. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $10,000.00 to be placed in the Road Improvement Capital Reserve Fund. Bonnie motioned to accept, Becki second and it was passed.

It was suggested that we have the lawyer check the warrants and make sure that we are calling them the correct account.
Tom asked to check with the lawyer to see if we can run a warrant article for the select board to become the agents of the Capital Reserve Funds.

Lori said she will get the MS-6 Capital Reserve amounts from John Foster for the next meeting.

Discussion was weather or not to meet next Wednesday the 30th of Dec. Bonnie said that if we don’t meet that it will be a very long meeting on Jan. 6th as we will need to complete everything that will be addressed and voted on at the two public hearings. It was decided that we would meet on the 30th of Dec.

Lori asked that Bonnie work up a shred sheet showing the salaries and how much goes into other line items and the total that person makes as well.

Lori motioned to adjourn meeting at 9:10PM, Bonnie second and it was passed.