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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Miinutes from the Public Budget Meeting of Jan. 13,2010

January 26th, 2010


January 13, 2010

Members present: Carmine Fabrizio, Mike Shea, Jim Covey, Becki Pike, Tom Gately, Lori Hogan and Bonnie Moroney.

Guest: John Trammell, Bill Dowling, Linda Dowling, Scott Sonia, Kathleen Saffian, Frank Maturo, Evan Karpf, Claire Gritzer, Susan Kraabel, Ann Fabrizio, Devyn Hogan and Leslie Bergum,

7:02 PM meeting brought to order by Tom Gately.

Correction to the 12 Jan. Public Budget Meeting that Devyn Hogan was there and helping with the Power Point display.

Lori was conducting the presentation for the second night with the help of her son Devyn
She started off saying that the committee had met last night and voted on changing 3 line items on the proposed budget and it made for a $1,333.00 increase, but it still stayed at -10%.

Lori presented the Operating Budget Summery for the budgeted 2009, Actual 2009, Budget 2010. She said that the Expenses are offset by the Revenues, but that the expected revenues are at a -1% from 2009.
She said that its important that we pass the Capital Reserve Warrants this year, because those are our town’s saving accounts and we need to build them up. She said even if we pass all the money warrants and the capital reserves we would still be at a -.6% from last years budget.

Tom started to go over the money warrants in the order that they were presented on the hand out. Bonnie reminded everybody that this might not be the same number or order when they go to vote in March.

1. To see if the town will raise and appropriate $14,000.00 for 2010 tipping of bulky waste.
2. To see if the town will raise and appropriate $25,000.00 for Glass Crusher. Sue asked what we did with the glass we have now. Bill said that it goes to Littleton for $20.00 per ton and $250.00 a truck load.
3. To see if the town will vote to establish the hours at the Transfer Station year round.
4. To see if the town will vote to authorize the establishment o and implementation of a mandatory Pay-Per-Bag System. Sue asked if there would be 2 sizes and what they would be. Bill said they would be 15 and 33 gal. size and the cost would be $.75 and $1.50 per bag. On the 33 gal there would be about a $.33 profit and about $.08 on the 15 gal. Mike Gooden asked if that would require another person to work at the Transfer Station and Bill said no.
Sue asked if the town was going to buy the bags and Bill said no it would come out of the special revenue fund to purchase them and then the people could buy them at the town hall or the stores that were willing to sell them. Sue said that there wasn’t any thing in any warrants to cover using any of the money for the purchase of the bags.
5. To see if the town will raise and appropriate $1,000. for maintenance of the old landfill.
6. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $8,320.00 for ground-water monitoring of old landfill.
7. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of $906.00 to contribute to the regional Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program.
8. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Select Board to enter into a four year lease agreement for the rental of the PD.
9. Shall we rescind the provisions of RSA 31:95-c to restrict revenues from recreations fees to expenditures…..It was asked to have this put into terms that people would understand what they are voting for or against.
10. To see if the town will raise and appropriate $3,435.00 to be placed in the previously established Recreation Revolving Fund. The only comment was to make sure the spelling of the amount matched the number amount.
11. To see if the town will raise and appropriate $40,000.00 to pay for preliminary engineering report.
12. To see if the Town will vote to approve leaving the Town of Carroll Chamber of Commerce on the town budget.
The next group are the Capital Reserve Funds
13. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $15,000.00 to be placed in the
Municipal Truck Capital Reserve Fund.
14. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $18,000.00 to be placed in the
Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund.
15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $10,000.00 to be placed in the
Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.
16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $2,000.00 to be placed in the
Computer Technology Capital Reserve Fund. This was not recommended by the budget
17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $2,000.00 to be placed in the
Library Improvement Capital Reserve Fund. This was not recommended by the budget committee. Claire Gritzer, asked why this was not recommended, as the library is trying to get enough for new shelving that is very expensive. It was stated that there was already $11,000.00 in there and wasn’t that enough? She said no. Bonnie suggested that they get the price what they wanted between now and when it was time for the warrants for 2011, and put together a warrant for the entire price, minus out the amount in the capital reserve and ask for the balance from taxation.
18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $10,000.00 to be placed in the
Landfill Closure Capital Reserve Fund.
19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $10,000.00 to be placed in the
Road Improvements Capital Reserve Fund.
20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $30,000.00 to be placed in the
New Land & Building Capital Reserve Fund.
21. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Carroll Conservation Commission to retain
the unexpended portion of its 2010 appropriations…
22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $38,000 to purchase a
police cruiser…$25,000 from capital reserve, and $13,000 from taxation….
23. To see if the Town will vote to change the name of the Water Improvement Capital
Reserve Fund to the Water Department Capital Reserve Fund…..
24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,500.00 from water
Revenues to be placed in the Water Department Capital Reserve Fund.
25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $57,000.00 for the
purpose of purchasing a dump truck with plow and sander for the Highway Dept….
Sue asked if this funding was coming out of the Highway Fund or Municipal Capital Reserve Funds. Bonnie said she would check on this.
26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000.00 to fund the
Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and Zoning Enforcement Officer…..
Sue requested to add the term “no new money from taxation” to this one.
27. To see if the Town will vote to change the name of the fund created in 2001 Warrant
Article 11 and amended in 2007 Warrant Article 20, from Recycling Equipment Special Revenue Fund to Recycling Special Revenue Fund.
28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000.00 for the
Purpose of paying off a portion of the principle on the bond approved at the 2003
Town Meeting to build the transfer/recycling station…..
Sue asked if the names on warrants 1,2 and 3 should be on there as Recycling Equipment
Special Revenue Fund.

Numbers 29 thru 39 are all what we call feel good warrants, I will list the name and
amount being asked for.
29. Northern Human Services-White Mt. Mental Health and Common Ground $904.00
30. Tyler Blain House $2,000.00
31. Littleton Regional Hosp. $875.00
32. Weeks Medical Center-Home Health & Hospice Services $1,167.00
33. Ammonoosuc Community Health Services $750.00
34. North Country Home Health & Hospice $1,797.00
35. American Red Cross $355.00
36. Caleb Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers $1,650.00
37. CASA $500.00
38. Tri County Community Action Program $805.00
39. Coalition Communities $2,000.00

40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum up to $18,500.00, for the
Purchase of one outdoor UL2200 Emergency generator, installation, and outside cement pad, to be installed in the Town of Carroll Town Hall. This constitutes one half of the cost which will be covered by a grant. The remaining half will be covered through validated donations of, but not limited to time, materials, and money.

Lori went over the Capital Reserve-Summery of Reserve hand out. She said that she had gotten all the current amounts from John Foster, one of the Trustees of the Trust Fund.

Sue asked where the money that is taken in for the per-bag system will be going. There is nothing in the Warrant that states where it is to be put and that the tipping fees would be coming out of that.

Claire asked about moving the money under the New Land and Building Capital Reserve to higher investment fund. Lori said that is something that she would have to take up with the Select Board.

Lori went over the revenues about what we had and what we are expecting. She said part of the difference is because of the Room and Meals Tax that we will not be getting as much as we usually do. She said the #3912 reflects the Special Revenue Funds

Leslie asked about #3190 Interest & Penalties, Lori said there is no way of actually knowing but we can do an estimate going off of the actual for 2009 and the economy.

Sue asked the committee if they would be revisiting the warrant for the Library Improvement Capital Reserve, and Tom said yes we would.
Public Session ended at 8:25PM and the regular meeting for the Budget Committee opened at 8:28PM

Guests: Devyn Hogan, Ann Fabrizio, Bill and Linda Dowling

There are two things to go over, one Warrant #40 that the committee had never voted to recommend or not.
Lori motioned to recommend, Becki second and it passed.

Warrant #17 Library Improvement Capital Reserve Fund. Jim motioned to revisit this and Carmine second and it passed to revisit it. Lori abstained.

Jim motioned to recommend the warrant, and Carmine second, Lori and Mike abstained and nobody else voted in favor, so it didn’t pass. So the Warrant stays as not recommended by the budget committee.

Bonnie asked if there was any reason to meet again before the Deliberation, and nobody knew of one, so the next meeting will be Feb. 2nd at 6:30pm for the Deliberation Session unless there is a snow day.

Tom said he wanted to thank everybody in the committee for all the hard work and many hours.

Carmine motioned to adjourn, Mike second and it passed for 8:35PM