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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 03/22/2010

March 27th, 2010

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2010

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Susan Kraabel, Secretary Pro Tem

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Mark Catalano

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Acting Chairman Moroney

Members of the public present: Tyler Philips, Roberta McGee, Carmine Fabrizio, Ann Fabrizio, Bill Dowling, Linda Dowling, Tom Gately, John Trammell, Kelly Trammell, Mike Gooden, Bill Rines, Frank Maturo, Bill Smalley, Evan Karpf, Joan Karpf, Ken Mills, Donna Foster, Jim Covey, Lisa Covey, Scott Sonia, Tadd Bailey, Becki Pederson

Pledge of Allegiance

Linda Dowling was in attendance with video equipment and Acting Chairman Moroney read the following statement: “This meeting is being taped by a private citizen. It is not done under the auspices of the town and is not an official record of the town.”

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Acting Chairman Moroney made a motion accept the minutes from March 15, 2010, as written. Selectman Catalano seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Tyler Phillips of Horizons Engineering came before the board seeking written permission for a bridge to be built over Tuttle Brook on town owned land at the Recreation Center. At an earlier meeting with the selectmen, he had explained that there is grant money available to do this, and Trout Unlimited will expedite construction rather than the town. The letter to NH DES that Mr. Phillips brought with him is to be filed with the grant application at the end of the week. He said he’d met with our Conservation Commission and they are okay with this project to benefit the fish in Tuttle Brook. He said he also had letters of support for the grant from NH Fish & Game and the Ammonoosuc River Advisory Group and the grant application will suggest the town may provide some equipment and supervision for the project. Selectman Moroney moved to sign the letter to DES, Selectman Catalano seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

The following items were approved and signed.

Oath of Office -- Sabrina Rines
Yield Tax Warrant -- Sylvester
Water Warrant – Wm. Stone

Joan Karpf said after reading the new Water Rules and Regulations she had some questions. She asked who the Water Superintendent is and was told Scott Sonia. He responded that there are a little under 400 water customers. Ms. Karpf was told that the pump house was built in 1993, that there is some piping that goes back to 1915.

Ms. Karpf asked about a section of the application for water that states it’s a contract between the property owner or their heirs or successors. She was told that would apply if the owner were to die. Ms. Karpf said she and Dr. Karpf are landlords and intend for their renters to pay utilities and would like them to be responsible for the water bill. Becki Pederson, Town Clerk, said the billing is set up like the tax bills and are subject to the lien process. It was stated that if a landlord does not pay, and the water is turned off as a result, the tenant can set up an account with the town. Kelly Trammell will check on what happens if the tenant defaults and whether there’s a difference between residential and commercial defaults. Ms. Karpf referred to Article 7 which states that when a change of ownership occurs on a vacant lot with a curb stop, the new owner will be charged the base water rate even though there is no structure on the lot. Ms. Trammell said having the curb stop in place adds value to the lot, but also adds a maintenance liability to the town, and in the future when a subdivision is put in and curb stops put in, the developer will pay the town on each lot until they are sold. Ms. Karpf hoped this wouldn’t discourage developers from doing business in town. Ms. Karpf then read Article 15 part A which says that “Carroll Water Works in no way guarantees the quantity, quality, or pressure of water provided, but will endeavor to render the best possible service at all times.” She objected to this statement, saying people should be able to expect quality, quantity and good water pressure. If nothing else it is a safety issue to provide all these things. Ms. Trammell said this statement is basically a disclaimer in case of a water line break, or some such emergency. It was suggested that the language be changed to be more customer friendly, perhaps using “in the event that….” type wording. Selectman Moroney said they will make note of all these things and address them as they put new things in place.

Selectman Moroney read the letter that Horizons Engineering sent to NH DES asking for an extension of time to file a plan for the culvert on Old Town Road. Both Steve LaFrance and Selectman Moroney have communicated with Jae Whitelaw regarding this issue, and no decision has been made regarding removal of the culvert. Dr. Karpf asked how much money we’ve spent on this issue so far, and was told we’d have that information for next week’s meeting.

Tadd Bailey said he got an email from the state saying another 3,000 gallons of fuel are being brought in to the state pumps in Twin Mountain, and we may have fuel into April. It was suggested that the Snowmobile Club might lend us their diesel storage tank and it could be parked at the highway barn. That way we’d only need to purchase gasoline at the local stations during the state pump shutdown. Letters should be sent to the four gas stations in Carroll to see what service they might offer the town.

Selectman Moroney said the Planning Board has an opening for an “alternate” member, one who typically serves only if needed to get a quorum. Most recently, the February meeting was cancelled for lack of a quorum. Ken Mills expressed an interest in serving, and thus Selectman Moroney made a motion to appoint Mr. Mills as alternate member of the Planning Board. Selectman Catalano seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Since Chairman Hancock was not at tonight’s meeting, the discussion of an Agenda and Meeting Policy was tabled for a week.

The Recreation Committee interviewed 6 candidates for summer counselor positions, and submitted a list of 4 names for the selectmen to approve for hiring: Violet McGee, Alyssa Comeau, Jacob Renaud, and Melanie Thompson. Mr. Mills said he was present for the interviews, gave the committee some opinions of candidates based on their interview, but that was his only input in the hiring process. Selectman Moroney made a motion to approve the hiring of these individuals, and to direct the Rec Committee to notify all six candidates, in writing, that they had been hired or not hired. Selectman Catalano seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Bill Dowling said it is likely that the Hazardous Waste Collection Day will be held here in Carroll this year, probably in August. He said he would have to borrow sawhorses and yellow tape from the Highway Department.

Selectman Moroney said the board would again address changes in the Employee Handbook when Maryclare Quigley returns.

Mr. Mills asked about the cost of liability to the town in the Gadbois area if the road washes out. Selectman Moroney said part of the issue is which part of the road is Class V and which part is Class VI. If it’s V, the town is responsible, if it’s VI, the town is not responsible. The width of what the town owns is an issue too. We say it’s 33 ft.; Mr. Gadbois says it’s 12 ft. At some point the Snowmobile Club put in a culvert which Mr. Gadbois didn’t want, and the club removed it. It was asked if Mr. Gadbois had given the bridge to the town, and Selectman Moroney said the town has always owned the bridge.

There being no further business, Selectman Moroney made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Selectman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 7:49 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, March 29, 2010.