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Minutes from June 16th meeting

June 25th, 2010

Town of Carroll Budget Committee Meeting
June 16, 2010

Members present: Lori Hogan, Tom Gately, Carmine Fabrizio, Jim Covey, Mike Shea, and Bonnie Moroney

Excused: Becki Pike

Guests: Jamie Dow, Joan Karpf, and Linda Dowling

First part of the meeting started at 5:30 PM with a special presentation by Jamie Dow from DRA for the public and budget committee.

Jamie brought hand outs for the committee and guests. The handouts consisted of Technical Assistance for SB2, Chapter 32 Municipal Budget Law, Highlights of 2009 Legislative Changes, Suggested Warrant Articles for 2010 Meeting, Emergency Expenditure and Over expenditure RSA 32:11, Carroll 10% Supplemental Schedule, MS-7 instructions, and a copy of an MS-7.

Jamie, said she felt that this is all useful information to have and help us. Jamie, asked who made out the MS-7 and Lori, said that the Budget Committee does that. Jamie said that we used an out of date one last year, and that we could down load a new version when getting ready for the 2011 budget.

Jamie explained that each special warrant should be listed individually not lumped together on the MS-7, that way all we may address the columns for appropriations for prior year, actual expenditures, Selectman’s Appropriations, and the Budget Committee’s. If you bunch them together that can’t be done.

Chapter 32 is about the Municipal Budget Laws. Be careful of the 10% law! It is very important that during the deliberative session that any amendments that are made need to be calculated correctly to stay within the 10 %. If this is not done the town could be facing a Procedural Deficiency Meeting (only held for special issues). The MS-7 should stay as it was prior to the deliberative session, any amendments made at the deliberative should not be made on the MS-7. The completed MS-7 can be sent to DRA at the same time that the Warrants are sent for approval.

Any time the town changes the purpose of a Capital Reserve Fund or Special Fund it must win by a 2/3 majority vote, and a second warrant needs to be run renaming the agent that may access funds as well.

Lori asked what the roll of the budget committee really is. Jamie explained that some of the laws are very clear and others are very vague. The MS-7 is part of the responsibility of the budget committee, and Section 32:16 or the Municipal Budget Law explains a lot more.

Bonnie asked about the elected Budget Committee that will be starting for 2011 vs. the volunteer one we have had. She said that we were looking to update the bylaws so that there would not be people running for this office that were already holding a position on another committee, trying to eliminate conflict of interest.

Jamie said that in Section 32:15 Budget Committee Membership, it explains who may and may not be appointed or elected to the budget committee. She explained that if we had a village district, we would be required to have a person living there on the committee, and also if we had a school in the town we would have to have a school board member as well.

Jim asked Jamie about putting a line on the 2011 budget to cover part of the cost of a new police cruiser, vs. running a warrant article. He said that they do it that way in Lancaster and it works better. Jamie said that it would not be a good idea to do it that way, as people would be outraged. They are used to seeing the warrant and if the budget passed they would be upset and say that we were sneaking things through. She did suggest that we could write the warrant article up using the capital reserve money and part of the fund balance, that way it would not show any taxation increase.

Lori, asked about the budget committee sending out an information letter before election, to inform people of what they were asking for. Jamie, said that they shouldn’t do that. Lori said that there were groups around town that sent out information to tell the public how to vote and she just thought the budget committee could do the same. Jamie said that it would not be advisable.

With no further questions, Jamie left at 7:12 PM.
Lori brought the regular Budget Committee meeting to order at 7:20 PM

Roll was called.

Members: Lori Hogan, Tom Gately, Carmine Fabrizio, Mike Shea, Jim Covey, and Bonnie Moroney

Excused: Beckie Pike

Guest: Joan Karpf, and Linda Dowling

Lori read: “This meeting is being taped by a private citizen. It is not done under the auspices of the town and is not an official record of the Town.”

Lori asked if there were any corrections from the May 26th minutes. Jim, said he had found some.
In the paragraph with John Trammell discussing the vehicle lease –puts $26,000.00 in a least, it should be lease.
He said that he has no idea where ammo is going – should be has no idea where the price of ammo is going.

On the third page in the section after the survey questions, -- all tax payers should have their say, weather,
it should be whether.

But a question in about weather, should be whether

Tom motioned to accept the minutes as amended, Carmine second and it was passed.

There was no correspondence.
No new business to go over.
Old business was to go over the survey questions:
Under the Specific Questions –
#7 change select one of the following to indicate why you voted as you did:

#9 Jim felt that we should remove Manager. Lori asked if all agreed and they said yes.

#12 It was felt was confusing, so it was changed to:

Do you feel that there are enough sources of information available to you of concerns of the town and
What needs to be addressed?

#11 It was discussed and agreed upon to remove the second part of the question.

#13 it was discussed and agreed upon to leave the question but remove the lower half about the goods and services.

#14 is to be changed to #15 and Jim’s question is to be added as #14 and reads as follows:

Would you be in favor of the regionalization (sharing services and costs) or certain Town of
Carroll departments such as the Fire Department, the EMS Service, the Police Department, etc.?

a) I would be in favor or regionalization of certain town functions.
b) I would not be in favor of regionalization of any town functions.
c) I would like to know more about regionalization and how it might benefit the Town of Carroll.

#15 a) change understand to understands

Under the General Questions: #3 change you lived to you lived/or owned property

#8 change to: Do you view the Town of Carroll government as a:

Support system of critical services

After going over the questions we went into the discussion of the best way of sending out the surveys and who we wanted to get them.

It was mentioned that we needed to add a return by date, and it was decided that Aug. 10th would be a good date.

Bonnie said she would talk to Maryclare about all the copies and mailings that would be needed and if this is something that she and/or the office would be able to handle. Lori said she would get with Becki and go over the people that are outside of the Twin Mt/Carroll/Bretton Woods postal service. Also need to find out how many to each location as well.

It was noted that Kelly and Scott had been on the agenda for this evening, but they had been asked to reschedule for the July 21st meeting as we had the special guest tonight. Lori, said we will also go over the bylaws the next meeting as well.

Next we addressed the currant budget:

Joan asked if she was allowed to ask questions, and Lori said that would be fine.
Joan asked what the $84.00 for the 4192.10-101 BA Board Member Salaries was, as she had not asked for anybody to be paid this year.

Bonnie said she would ask Maryclare about this and have the answer for the next meeting.

Lori asked under Parks and Recreation the 4520.10-501 REC Transportation had an expenditure of $546.00
She said that there has not been any buses used for the Rec. program, other then skiing and that should be posted under the Ski Program.

Bonnie said she would ask Maryclare about this as well.

Also asked under Property Inspections, 4240.10-202 Property Inspections Assistant, there was $0 in the budget so there is no way for them to have posted $485.00 under this line item.

Bonnie said she would ask Maryclare about this as well.

Tom, started to ask questions about the water dept. and Bonnie remind them that this is a new dept. and that they did not write up the budget, and that Kelly and Scott were planning on coming tonight to go over the fact that more lines are needed to be added. So for this year chance were that the water budget will be over on some things and under on others.

Jim, said that he had missed the April meeting but wanted to comment about the comment made regarding the fact that we were doing the survey because “We don’t know what people want”. He said he felt the way that people voted gave us a loud and clear message about what people wanted.

Lori went on to explain what her feelings were about how the vote went and other members of the committee as well.

Tom motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:37PM, Carmine second and it passed.

Next meeting to be July 21 at 7 PM