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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 11/28/2005

December 6th, 2005

NOVEMBER 28, 2005

Chairman Ouellette called the meeting to order at 7:03. The board began with the approval of bills and signing of checks. Selectman Strasser made a motion to approve the minutes from 11/21/2005; which was seconded by Chairman Wright. The motion passed unanimously.

Water Bill Abatements: The selectmen were presented with a request for Water Bill Abatements from the Town Tax Collector; which was read into the record. Chairman Ouellette made a motion to approve and sign the abatements, which was seconded by Selectman Wright. The motion passed unanimously.

Bike Path Resolution: Chairman Ouellette read into the record a proposed resolution for a bike trail resolution that read: “Resolved that the Selectmen of the Town of Carroll support the town taking over trail easements on private land necessary for connecting Twin Mountain to the Franconia Notch bike trail system (6 private parcels easements planned) providing that “NH Trails” confirms the state liability coverage of $2,000,000 applicable to snow mobile trails. Per our attorney’s recommendation the Chamber should submit this on a warrant article”. Selectmen Wright made a motion to approve the resolution, which was seconded by Chairman Ouellette. The motion passed unanimously. The board then agreed to send this resolution to the Chamber of Commerce, to the attention of Jim Covey.

Auditor Resolution: Chairman Ouellette read into the record a proposed resolution regarding the hiring of a forensic auditor: “Resolved the town votes to raise the amount for the 2006 budget for a 2005 audit to $22,500 (recommended 20-25,000). The audit firm to be hired is Carew Company, Ms. Karen Carew, 148 Broad Cove Drive, Concord, NH 03303 for conducting the 2005 audit audit. The contract details to be worked out to meet the financial control concerns of the Selectmen. Note: said amount and person recommended by our attorneys at our request”. Selectman Strasser made a motion to approve the resolution, which was seconded by Selectmen Wright. The motion passed unanimously. According to the board, the purpose of a forensic audit is to conduct a more in-depth audit, and the Board is also looking to use a more independent entity for this audit.

Letter Regarding Annual Meeting from Coos County Treasurer: Chairman Ouellette read into the record a letter from the Coos County Treasurer with information on the upcoming Budget meeting. The letter was then posted on the bulletin board for the public’s reference.

Memo from Chief Gardiner: A letter from Chief Gardiner regarding illegal signage at the Good N’ You restaurant was read into the record. In the memo, Chief Gardiner requested increased enforcements of these violations by the Code Officer and the Board of Selectmen.

New Business:
Billy Rines, Town Road Agent, requested the permission to use remaining general building funds to buy two new garage doors; each would cost around $2,500 with motor; the total cost including installation around $5,000. Selectman Strasser made a motion to approve the purchase, which was seconded by Chairman Ouellette with the condition that the steps by the side door be repaired. The motion, with the applicable condition, passed unanimously.

Ms. McGhee brought up the subject of the forensic auditor and asked whether all departments would be examined. According to the board, all departments will be audited. However, MRI will target the areas that need additional examination for the forensic auditor.
As there was no additional business, Chairman Ouellette made a motion to go into executive session, which was seconded by Selectman Strasser. The motion passed unanimously.

At the close of executive session, Chairman Ouellette made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session; which was seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The selectmen signed a warrant for water tax abatements. A motion was made to adjourn for the evening, which was seconded, and passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Lindsay Straw
Secretary to the Selectmen