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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes from July 21 Meeting

July 25th, 2010


July 21, 2010

Member present: Lori Hogan, Tom Gately, Becky Pike, Mike Shea, Jim Covey, Carmine Fabrizo, and Bonnie Moroney

In the audience: Kelly Trammell, Scott Sonia, Joan Karpf, Evan Karpf, Linda Dowling and Al Strasser

Lori brought the meeting to order at 7:02 PM

Lori asked for a motion to accept the June 16, 2010 minutes. Joan asked it she could make a correction. Lori said yes.
Joan said that she had said as a board member they are paid $10.00 per meeting and that $84.00 was an unusual amount.

Lori motioned to accept minutes as amended, Tom second and it was passed.

Lori read over the correspondence about up coming classes.

Old business – survey. They had sent the survey’s out in two different ways, one to the residence and one to the property owners. Lori thanked those who had come early and helped with the non residence ones and that why were being stamped and will be going out in tomorrow’s mail. She said they had done 470 and 725 for a total of 1395. She said that 3 had come back already, but that she would not read them out loud as only 3 would not give the entire picture.

Lori read the following statement: “This meeting is being taped by a private citizen. It is not done under the auspices of the town and is not an official record of the Town.”

New Business

Kelly and Scott about the Water Department Budget.

Kelly said the reason that the Misc. line one Water Line budget was high is because they have had to put things like tools, cell phones, tank maintenance and inspection, hydrant maintenance and office supplies there, as there were no lines set up for them.

She said that for next year they wished to add lines for:
Office supplies
Cell phone
Tank Maintenance and inspection, but most years there would only be $1.00 as they only need to be done every 5 years.
Hydrant Maintenance
Clothing allowance
She requested that for line 04-4332.10-700 the word “seed” be added to this, as they also buy seed to put down after they dig up an area.

Lori asked how much longer the contract was with the highway dept for clothing and Bonnie said she thought a couple more, as it was for 5 years.

Kelly said that Scott’s entire salary should be put under this salary line, rather then part of it under highway dept. Bonnie said that the reason this was done is when we separated the two dept. we were not sure how many hours that the water dept would be taking, but at this end of this year we would have a much clearer picture, and that could be done.

Scott asked about a truck for the water dept. and said he had been using the small white one, and had just replaced the radiator in it, and that amount went under misc. as well.

Scott also asked about the backhoe, as being the water departments. Kelly said that Maryclare had looked it up and it had been voted by the voters for the water dept.

Evan suggested that we keep track of the hours that the different dept. each use the backhoe, as the highway uses it in the winter more. Kelly asked if the building maintenance took in the tanks too. Bonnie said that probably not, that would be the water dept.

Becky asked about the cell phones for the highway and water dept. Bonnie said she could not remember when that was decided but that she would check on it.

Joan asked about the $30,000.00 debt that the treasure had said the water dept. owed the town. Lori said that the budget committee had nothing to do with that but she had been at the meeting when Sue had gone over that, and would find out from Sue more about that.

Kelly said that the water dept. should be saving on the electric line, as they have fixed several large leaks and that had slowed down the amount that the pumps need to run, and saves electric.

Kelly and Scott asked when the budgets would need to be in for 2011. Lori said that the Select board has theirs to the budget committee by the first of Oct. Bonnie said that select board would probably be starting theirs in Aug. so that they will have each dept come and present theirs. But that if they need help we would be happy to help them.

Next was the review of the 2010 budget as of 7/20/10. Bonnie said that she had the answers from the questions of the last meeting. She said that Maryclare had said all three were put into the wrong place and that she had done a journal entry and moved them to where they were suppose to be.
The one about the $84.00 for the ZBA that was payment for Nancy Mitagay, but it was for when she was a ballot clerk, and had been taken from there by mistake.

The other was the Asst. Inspector, but we don’t have an asst. it was really part of Stan’s salary, and it has been moved.

The third was about the transportation for the rec. it was put under the transportation from the summer program but was suppose to be the ski program, so it was moved.

Lori said for the most part the budget was looking like it was on track for this time of the year and that is good. She did ask to find out from Bill Rines about the Repairs & Maint. Of Town Bldgs. 01-4194.10-430, it was budgeted for $23,000.00 but they had only used $4418.31. Lori asked if we could please find out what other project the highway dept. had planned for the rest of the funding.

There were questions asked that needed us to have a revenue report, so Lori asked it we could have a copy of the revenue report for the next meeting. One of the questions was if the Engineering money was being paid for the Planning Board from the applicants.

Becky asked about the misc. under the Financial Adm., Bonnie said that in April when she was asked Maryclare had said it was Proven and Lobber, but that was for $943.00, so she would ask Maryclare again as it’s up to $4820.00.

By-laws update. Bonnie addressed that with an elected budget committee members coming in for 2010 that we needed to address this, using the RSA 32:15 that Jamie Dow
had brought to us. Lori asked for a volunteer to go over this and see how to put an update into our by-laws.

Al Strasser presented a hand out to the committee called “Carroll’s Budgeting Policies and Needed Corrections”. He started to go over the hand out and a presentation that he had brought at well. Lori reminded Al that the committee would take this home and look it over and that he would be put on the agenda for next month and he could go over it then.

Joan asked and said she had been asking to see a copy of the 2009 audit, or to find out the status of it. Bonnie said she would find out.

Lori said that we would need to put together a group to go over the surveys to have a work meeting. She would like to separate them out to study results from different size groups, etc.

Bonnie, Jim, Becky, Tom, Mike and Carmine all said they would help with the work meeting for the surveys.

Lori went over the fact that we had a CIP meeting and there was a good representation of the different groups, and that all that came are going to help with it.

Becky motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 and Tom second, all passed. Next meeting Aug. 18th