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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 09/13/2010

September 19th, 2010

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2010

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare H. Quigley

Board members present: Chris Hancock, Mark Catalano. Bonnie Moroney was excused.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Hancock.

Members of the public present: Nathan Smith, Roberta McGee, Bill Dowling, Linda Dowling, Mike Gooden, Carmine Fabrizio, Ann Fabrizio, Frank Maturo, Jim Covey, Tadd Bailey, Scott Sonia, Bill Smalley, Bill Rines, Jeff Duncan, Leslie Bergum, Erik Bergum, Tom Gately, Chuck Jellison

Pledge of Allegiance

Chairman Hancock read the following statement: “This meeting is being taped by a private citizen and is not done under the auspices of the town and is not an official record of the town.”

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Hancock made a Motion to: Accept the minutes for August 30, 2010, as written. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion was approved.

The meeting started with the Recreation Committee budget presentation by the Chairman, Nate Smith. Mr. Smith gave the comparison to the 2010 budget as follows:

2011 2010
Counselors 12,500 19,615
Telephone 400 400
Equipment & Supplies 1 1
Parties 1 1
Ski Program 1,500 1,000
Field/Court Repair 500 200
Building Repair 500 200
Vehicle Fuel/Maint 0 (line to be removed)
Transportation 2,500 2,000
Training/Lifeguards 0 (line to be removed)
Staff Training 500 2,000
Total Proposed 2011 Budget 18,402 (2010--25,517)
Mr. Smith said they had fewer children this year than planned, and expect next year to be similar. Transportation costs have risen which accounts for the majority of increases. He said the Rec Department does not have a vehicle and cannot see the need for one, so they are removing the line for that. He also said they do not have lifeguards, per se, at the pond, but the counselors get lifeguard training in their staff training, so they are able to do away with that line. They had a lot of the training donated this year, but did not want to reduce the line entirely in case that doesn’t happen again.

Bill Dowling followed with the budget for the Transfer Station. Mr. Dowling said he had come to the Selectmen earlier for guidance when they went to the merit raise system. He has increased his pay to bring him up with the other department heads. He also said he has reduced his budget over the past five years, has the support of the voters, does not cost the town anything, is the only non-emergency department that works Saturday, is the only department used by year round and seasonal residents and as earned awards. Further, he said he is the only department head who does not do overtime and he asked to be put on a salary, which he noted he can per RSA 275:42.
Mr. Dowling noted he has increased recycle salaries for an extra 28 days, where he will bring in extra help on Tuesdays and Thursdays as needed only. He said his training line may go down as he has heard that most will be online next year, but he doesn’t know that for sure. He explained what various lines cover i.e. telephone which he increased 5% as he couldn’t get an answer on what it would be next year; msw haul, line 300, is trucking the garbage to Trudeau Road; tires, line 302, is the lease on the container to house tires as the actual cost for the tires is covered by the consumers; tipping fees are increased based on the average of 22.35 ton per year at 76.54 per ton. Site work, line 400 is to do work to help the asphalt from breaking down when the big trucks back in. He will work with the Highway Department on that and hopes to have the line at 0. Mr. Dowling noted electricity has increased due to the ice storm damage in the southern part of the state last year – he tries to use his equipment during the off-peak hours. He noted the misc. line, 100, includes $750 clothing allowance which is in the Employee Manual. He also said he would have to increase the line by $50 if he has to pay to clean his used oil furnace rather than having the town buildings budget pay it, as using the furnace save money. The budget is as follows:

01-4324.10-100 Supervisor 42,238.00
101 Attendant 15,600.00
102 Salaries 1,470.00
200 Licenses 200.00
202 Training 1,500.00
203 Telephone 1,331.04
300 MSW Haul 4,950.00
301 Bulkywaste Haul 0 (to be removed)
302 Tires 700.00
303 C & D Trucking 1.00
304 Tipping Fees 19,527.64
400 Site Work 500.00
401 Equipment Purchase 0 (Sp. Rev. Fund)
402 Equip Repair & Maint 0 (Sp. Rev. Fund)

403 LP Gas 150.00
404 Electricity 1,800.00
500 Association Dues 50.00
505 Container Lease 1,958.79
515 Supplies 500.00
01-4324.30-100 Misc. 1,000.00

Total Proposed 2011 Budget $93,475.47

Mr. Dowling mentioned that Casella had received approval from DES, so the landfill at Trudeau Road will be going for at least ten more years. After that, who knows what trucking fees will do.

Chairman Hancock read the letter to Keith Bergeron regarding the sign permit application he had filed earlier. It had been explained to Mr. Bergeron that he would be unable to install a sign on Route 3 South because that Route along with Route 302, has been designated a “cultural and scenic highway” by the State. This designation limits signage to posts already permitted by the State and to signs on the property of which the business is located. Mr. Bergeron’s request was therefore denied. Selectman Catalano noted the Board did not approve it when originally submitted because of a question on the State law. He wanted to assure everyone that no one was using any powers as Selectman or otherwise to obstruct the process. He pointed out as the letter said, we are happy to work with Mr. Bergeron to help locate a post on Route 3 that is already approved by the State. He said he had heard there were remarks by some town employees and reiterated that neither he nor the Board is interested in stopping anyone from trying to become successful. Bill Rines stated due to circumstances when Mr. Bergeron left the Selectmen’s Office the morning after the earlier meeting, that Selectman Catalano’s remarks were meant for him, and said he had not been involved in any of it, and wanted to make that clear. He said this could be verified by Scott Sonia who was with him at the time. Selectman Catalano said no names had been mentioned. Chairman Hancock made a: Motion to sign the letter to Mr. Bergeron. Selectman Catalano seconded and it passed unanimously.

Chairman Hancock read a letter from Linda Dowling, Cable Television Advisory Committee, as attached.

The following items were approved and signed:

Water Warrant – Vincenzo, Rocky Woods Resorts, Inc.
Town Hall Use Permit application – Mason
The Secretary noted it was for an eightieth birthday party for Mrs. Mason, the previous
Librarian and suggested flowers might be sent. The Board enthusiastically agreed, and
Selectman Catalano made a Motion to: Send flowers for Mrs. Mason’s eightieth birthday.
Chairman Hancock seconded and it passed unanimously.

The Selectmen then opened the bids for the design and installation of a septic system at the Town Hall. They were as follows:

Down to Earth Designs $17,180.00
CT Valley Designs 28,669.80

Far North Designs 1,050.00 (Design only)
Dirt Works, Inc. 10,840.00 Option One – Office space only
15,580.00 Option Two –Office space & Mtg. Room (Kit.)
22,860.00 Option Three – Building
1,750.00 Design Fee, applies to each Option

The Board wanted to be sure the bids were comparable i.e., “apples to apples.” During discussion, they asked Bill Rines if he knew what type of system would be used. Mr. Rines responded that they had all spoken of the Presby system, but no one actually specified what they would use. The Selectmen noted they are all “per State requirements” and the specs similar to all. They also said Down to Earth Designs was the only bid in the area of what the Town can afford as well as being the only one that noted the price as “Not to Exceed.” Far North Designs only covered the design and did not include the installation as the ad requested. The Board focused on Down to Earth Designs and asked that the Secretary contact them with the following questions:

• The type of system
• If the price includes the pump station for the meeting room or not, and what it is if not
• If the price includes any or all electrical work, and if not, an estimate for additional cost

Under Other Business:

The Secretary asked about disposing of the old piano in the Town Hall, as another one had been donated previously. The Board wondered if there might be any historical value to the old one and asked Mike Gooden if he knew. Mr. Gooden said it was in the school when he attended, but did not know if there is any value to it. It was decided to hold off doing anything to give some time to look into it. The Board asked the Secretary if she could find anything out about the history of it and Mr. Gooden also said he would try.

The next item was a call the Secretary had received regarding holding an exercise class in the gym. As this is a for-profit business, they denied the request and asked that the person be advised.

Leslie Bergum said she is a representative on the Local River Advisory Committee along with Joan Karpf. Their terms will be expiring in October and they would like to continue to be on that Committee so requested that the Board reappoint them. Selectman Catalano made a Motion: to sign the form to reappoint Leslie Bergum and Joan Karpf to the Committee and Chairman Hancock seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

Scott Sonia, Water Superintendent, advised the Board that compared to the same timeframe last year, the first thirteen days of September, the town water usage was down by more than 1.4 million gallons which is attributable to people conserving water and to repairing water leaks by the town and by residents. This translates to savings in many areas including the pump running time being down by 71 hours which means a savings in electricity. The Board thanked Mr. Sonia.

Nathan Smith, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, told the Board he would like their permission to attend a meeting of the Whitefield Selectmen to discuss the Winter Ski Program. The two town programs have worked together in the past, but apparently the Whitefield Rec Committee is changing their program. Mr. Smith wants to get all the information as his Committee is trying to set up their program. The Board agreed it would be fine for him to do that.

Mike Gooden thanked everyone who donated to the Historical Society yard sale. They raised more than $900 at their one day sale and are greatly appreciative.

Selectman Catalano advised that email letters had been received from Steve Lafrance of Horizons Engineering and from Town Counsel each thanking the Board for their help in resolving the issue with Old Town Road. The signed letter agreeing to the solution has also been received from Don Gadbois. The last piece to finish the issue is submitting the plan to DES for their approval and Mr. Lafrance is working on the process at this time. Selectman Catalano reiterated it is the best solution for all.

Selectman Catalano also asked where the town stands on the gravel issue with Attorney Laura Spector and wondered if the Board is supposed to get witnesses or what they should do. He hasn’t heard anything and wants to know. He asked the Secretary to email Attorney Spector to ask about the steps leading to the court date and if the Board should contact people.

As there was no further business, Chairman Hancock moved to go into Non-Public Session for personnel matters and town aid at 8:07 p.m. The Board was polled and went into Non-Public Session.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Hancock moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further business, Chairman Hancock made a Motion to: Adjourn the meeting. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Hancock declared the meeting ended at 8:51 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, September 20, 2010.