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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 09/27/2010

October 4th, 2010

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2010

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Susan Kraabel, Secretary Pro Tem

Board members present: Christopher Hancock, Bonnie Moroney, Mark Catalano

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Hancock

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Tom Gately, Frank Maturo, Bill Smalley, Scott Sonia, Tadd Bailey, Jeff Duncan, David Ikasalo, Herb McGee, John Trammell, Kelly Trammell, Cyndi Smith, Kelli Shedd, Dan Walker, John Gardiner, Lori Hogan, Claire Gritzer, Sharon Savoy

Pledge of Allegiance

David Ikasalo was in attendance with video equipment and Chairman Hancock read the following statement: “This meeting is being taped by a private citizen. It is not done under the auspices of the town and is not an official record of the town.”

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Hancock made a motion accept the minutes from September 13, 2010, as written. Selectman Catalano seconded the motion, and it passed with Selectman Moroney abstaining, as she was not present at the meeting.

Selectman Moroney made a motion accept the minutes from September 20, 2010, as written. Selectman Catalano seconded the motion, and it passed with Chairman Hancock abstaining, as he was not present at the meeting.

John Gardiner came before the board to present the 2011 budget proposal for the library. He showed a comparison of budget numbers from 2008 through their proposed 2011 amount. He noted that they are asking for $60 more than last year, reducing the subscription line and increasing the audio/video line.

Acct No. Acct. Name 2008 2009 2010 2011

4550.10-201 Books 2000 1800 1800 1800
4550.10-202 Subscriptions\ 100 100 100 60
4550.10-205 Miscellaneous 100 100 100 100
4550.10-208 Capital Items 500 500 500 500
4550.10-210 Computer/Software 500 500 500 500
4550.10-215 Audio/Video 400 250 250 350
4550.10-218 Dues/Training/Seminars 100 100 100 100
4550.10-220 Office Supplies 300 300 300 300
4550.10-222 Mileage 350 250 250 250

Totals $4,350 $3,900 $3,900 $3,960

4550.10-100 Librarian Salary 8518 8774 8774 8774
4550.10-200 Telephone 750 750 500 500

Grand Totals $13,618 $13,424 $13,174 $13,234

Selectman Moroney asked whether the trustees had received quotes for new shelving for the library as had been discussed last year when going over the request for money to be placed in the capital reserve fund. Claire Gritzer said they have had a quote in the amount of $7,846, and they have a warrant article asking that $2,000 be placed in the fund this year and that the trustees be designated as agents to expend. If this passes, they will be able to use the money for shelving without a separate warrant article.

Scott Sonia came to present the 2011 budget proposal for the water department.

Account number Account name 2010 2011

04-4155.10-200 Retirement 0.00 3,572.00
04-4155.10-201 FICA 0.00 2,883.00
04-4155.10-202 Medicare 0.00 674.00
04-4155.10-300 Employee Insurance 0.00 13,307.00
04-4155.10-301 Unemployment/Comp 0.00 1,200.00

04-4332.10-100 Water Superintendant Salary 15,000.00 35,000.00
04-4332.10-101 Part Time Labor 1.00 6,000.00
04-4332.10-102 Clerical 12,155.00 7,500.00
04-4332.10-103 Overtime 3,000.00 4,000.00
04-4332.10-200 Contract Labor 5,000.00 6,000.00
04-4332.10-201 Contract Labor - Expansion 5,000.00 1.00
04-4332.10-300 Water Supplies 10,000.00 10,000.00
04-4332.10-301 Postage 630.00 630.00
04-4332.10-301 Telephone 800.00 1,500.00
04-4332.10-303 Electricity 16,000.00 12,000.00
04-4332.10-304 Propane 3,000.00 3,500.00
04-4332.10-400 Audit 1.00 1.00
04-4332.10-401 Generator Ser Contract 300.00 800.00
04-4332.10-402 Equipment Repairs 5,000.00 5,000.00
04-4332.10-403 Water Meter Software Support 1.00 1.00
04-4332.10-404 Chemicals & Equipment 6,000.00 4,000.00
04-4332.10-500 Water Samples 2,300.00 1,500.00
04-4332.10-510 Licenses & Fees 1,500.00 300.00
04-4332.10-600 Water Depreciation 0.00 0.00
04-4332.10-610 Water Services 1.00 1.00
04-4332.10-700 Sand, Gravel, Loam, Seed 1,000.00 1,000.00
04-4332.10-800 Water Expansion 5,000.00 1.00
04-4332.10-801 Water Expansion Piping 5,000.00 1.00
04-4332.10-802 Water Expansion Testing 1,000.00 1.00
04-4332.10-803 Water Line Repairs 0.00 5,000.00
04-4332.10-900 Miscellaneous 750.00 750.00
04-4332.10-901 Water Training/Travel 500.00 1,000.00


Buildings and Grounds 0.00 500.00
Hydrant Maintenance and Repair 0.00 7,000.00
Vehicle 0.00 1.00
Vehicle Repair 0.00 5,000.00
Computer/Software 0.00 250.00
Gas/Diesel 0.00 3,000.00
Tools 0.00 1,500.00
Equipment Purchase 0.00 3,000.00
Office Supplies 0.00 500.00
Tank Inspection 0.00 1.00
Tank Repair and Maintenance 0.00 1.00

$ 98,939.00 $ 147,876.00

He started by saying that this is the first year of having a totally separate water department, and thus a higher salary line. In prior years, part of Scott’s salary was in highway and part in water. The 2011 number does not reflect an increase over his 2010 wage. The part time labor line is for Billy Rines’ and Greg Hogan’s time to be spent on water. The clerical line is for Kelly Trammell’s water salary. The overtime line is for all three men. The benefit numbers at the top are based on appropriate percentages of all four employees involved in water. Mr. Sonia pointed out that as no water expansion was planned for next year, several line items were reduced to $1 just to hold a place in the budget. Telephone was increased for a dedicated line for the alarm system in the pump house, and a cell phone for Mr. Sonia. Both electricity and chemicals went down due to less water pumped after several leaks were repaired. Water samples money was reduced, but the state just informed us that they will be testing each well separately instead of a blended sample, so it may go up. The equipment repair was kept the same. This year’s expense was elevated because of a new flow meter put in, plus a vehicle accident on Rt. 115 in May that caused $7,000 worth of damage to equipment that we’re still trying to get reimbursed for. $5,000 was put into a line for water line repairs, a new allocation in the budget. The training line was increased due to new mandates from the state. Mr. Sonia discussed new lines in the budget, some of which reflect dollars that had been in the budget in previous years, but shown in highway or general buildings. They are going to keep track of mileage and gas/diesel used by each department and allocate expense accordingly. The $7,000 in Hydrant Maintenance is for 3 hydrants to be replaced next year. Mr. Sonia would like to purchase two pieces of equipment: a gas monitor for valve pits ($1,800 +/-) and a cut off saw for pipe cutting ($1,000-$1,200). There are several valve pits in town, and air quality should be monitored before going into these holes. We have a cutoff saw, but it’s old and needs replacement. Questions about the tank expansion and repair lines revealed that an inspection is $2,500 and must be done every 5 years. It was mentioned that capital reserve money could possibly be used for future tank inspections. The inspection was done this year and we are in good shape for now. Mr. Sonia said each tank has 29 anodes which protect the inside of the tank from corrosion. One tank has 14 bad anodes and the other has 15. It would cost close to $13,000 to replace them, and the inspector said they would have to be replaced within two years. Given the fact that the new billing process is not a year old yet, Mr. Sonia did not want to put that money in the 2011 budget. He said again that the tanks are okay, that there were 3 spots repaired in August on the Little River Road tank. Kelly Trammell explained again that the amounts in the benefit lines and Mr. Sonia’s salary were somewhere else in the past budgets. The secretary explained that for the last few years, we have been posting these expenses to the water expense at the end of each year, based on the salary dollars posted to water. The amounts had just never been shown in the water budget before.

Kelli Shedd from the Chamber of Commerce came to the board with their proposed budget for 2011. She said it is the same amount as 2010 as follows:

01-4589.10-301 Beautification 1,000
01-4589.10-303 Information Booth 10,000
01-4589.10-305 Town Entertainment 2,000

Total Proposed Budget 13,000

She explained how the money had been spent in 2010. Beautification expense was for flowers, town hall pictures, and picnic tables. Information booth expenses were $8,538.81 for wages/taxes and $1,534 for telephone and wifi service. The summer music was $1,693 and they have $306 for use until December.

Dan Walker, Emergency Management Director, came to present his budget in the amount of $103. He said this was his first full year, and he’d spent no money this year. He said we really need money only if something happens. He said he will not take any salary for 2010. Mr. Walker left a dollar in three lines and put in $100 for radio maintenance in order to meet the terms of the grant we got for the radio. He said training is offered by government agencies at no charge. When asked about possible grant money for cots, Mr. Walker said he feels we should get a place to put them first. He will continue to look for grant money. He said the town is as prepared as they can be without having a shelter. The Emergency Operations Plan was done in 2008 and should be reviewed in 2013. The Hazardous Mitigation Plan was done last year and should be reviewed in 2014. Both should be done every 5 years. Because these are done, Mr. Walker said we are eligible for reimbursement should there be some disaster.

Becki Pederson, Town Clerk, came to present her budget for 2011. She said her salary number was the same as last year, $32,500, but the Deputy Town Clerk number was reduced to $13,000, as part of Ms. Trammell’s salary will come from the water department. Her other items are part of what will be presented under Financial Administration. Her major administrative expense is training, as she attends one Town Clerk Conference and one Tax Collector Conference.

The various 2011 proposed administrative budget amounts were prepared by Maryclare Quigley, who was unable to attend this meeting.

General Government
01-4130.10-130 Salaries -- Selectmen
01-4130.10-131 Salaries -- Selectmen
01-4130.10-132 Salaries -- Selectmen
01-4130.10-136 Town Clerk & Tax Collector Salary 32,500.00
01-4130.10-137 Deputy Town Clerk 13,000.00

Financial Administration
01-4150.10-110 Administrative Assistant
01-4150.10-111 Selectmen’s Office Staff
01-4150.10-113 Budget Comm. Clerk Salary 1.00
01-4150.10-114 Sel. Office Overtime 2,500.00
01-4150.10-250 Tax Map 5,000.00
01-4150.10-260 Town Report 2,000.00
01-4150.10-301 Auditing 14,000.00
01-4150.10-390 Office Equipment 3,000.00
01-4150.10-603 Office Equip. Maintenance 1,000.00
01-4150.10-604 Association Dues 1,400.00
01-4150.10-620 Office Supplies 5,000.00
01-4150.10-621 Computer Software Support 10,000.00
01-4150.10-622 Manatron (Proval) 1,610.00
01-4150.10-625 Postage 3,200.00
01-4150.10-740 Telephone 2,750.00
01-4150.10-800 Town Officers Expense 1.00
01-4150.10-801 Bank Service Charges 855.00
01-4150.10-802 Advertisements 1,000.00
01-4150.10-803 Registrars Fees 1,000.00
01-4150.10-804 Miscellaneous 1,000.00
01-4150.10-805 Training 1,800.00
01-4150.10-806 Budget Comm. Expense 50.00
01-4150.10-807 Budget Training/Mileage 200.00
01-4150.10-808 Comstar Billing Fee 1,350.00
01-4150.10-809 Travel Expense 1,400.00
01-4150.10-900 Town Clerk Tr Exp State Only 1,400.00

Property Assessing
01-4152.10-200 Property Assessing 35,000.00

Legal Expense
01-4153.10-200 Legal Expenses 25,000.00

Personnel Administration
01-4155.10-200 Retirement 69,678.00
01-4155.10-201 FICA 22,065.00
01-4155.10-202 Medicare 9,368.00
01-4155.10-300 Employee Insurance 148,128.00
01-4155.10-301 Unemployment Comp 471.00

01-4196.10-520 Town Insurance 30,782.00
01-4196.20520 Worker’s Compensation 21,789.00
01-4196.20521 Worker’s Comp Audit -

Other General Gov’t
01-4199.10-100 Contingency
01-4199.10-200 Dog Costs 300.00

Property Inspections
01-4240.10-201 Timber Inspections 1,000.00
01-4240.10-203 Third Party Review 5,000.00

Street Lighting
01-4316.10-200 Street Lighting 18,000.00

Sewage Disposal
01-4326.10-200 Septic Disposal 750.00

Public Assistance
01-4441.10-200 Direct Assistance 15,000.00
01-4441.10-201 Administration 3,000.00

Patriotic Purposes
01-4583.10-200 Memorial Day 500.00

Principal Long Term Notes
01-4711.10200 Princ. Lng Trm Note Landfill & Water 59,623.00

Interest Long Term Notes
01-4721.10-200 Int. Lng Trm Note Landfill & Water 34,313.00

Selectmen reviewed the numbers and asked questions about several areas. The secretary explained that the amounts for employee insurance, unemployment insurance, town insurance and worker’s comp insurance were estimates only, as the various providers have not given us 2011 rates. The selectmen questioned whether the amount Computer Software Support could be lowered, and were told that the invoices for BMSI 2011 software and support will be paid in December in order to take advantage of their discount. Discussion took place regarding the Third Party Review amount of $5,000. This is for commercial building and residences larger than two-family. The selectmen decided to lower it to $3,000 and will review it in November, when we hope to have further information as to whether the Bretton Woods developers have plans to start the Village at the ski area. It was also mentioned that even though these charges would be reimbursed by the developer, we must appropriate the expense in order to spend it. This is true for all expenses, such as the Comstar bills, which are paid by those using the ambulance service. The selectmen also changed the Bank Service Charge amount to $1,200, as this was the Treasurer’s estimate.

Selectman Catalano mentioned that he has recently contracted with GEXA for the electricity for his businesses. He said they provide residential and commercial service and charge 5.5-6 cents per kilowatt hour, which is much less than PSNH. He will bring the information to the town hall.

Lori Hogan came with Recreation Budget changes, but as Nate Smith had called the town hall and said he’d like to meet with the committee before they’re presented, she said she’d return another evening.

The bids for a septic system for the town hall were discussed next. Two of the bids were for design and installation with no breakdown of charges for the two phases. A third was for both with a breakdown for the two phases. And a fourth bid was for design only. Realizing that NH DES must approve any plans for a septic system, the town needs to get a design approved before getting bids for construction. This is particularly true since we have bathrooms in the basement that must be tied in with water coming from a different part of the building. Since the bid that was for design only was the lowest for that phase, Selectman Moroney moved to award the contract for design of the septic system to Far North Designs for $1.050.00, asking them to show how they could incorporate the basement bathrooms without a major remodel job in the town hall. Selectman Hancock seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

The selectmen were next presented with the 2011 contract descriptions from Cartographic Associates, Inc. These are for processing data recorded during the period from April 1, 2010 through March 31, 2011.

Tax Map Maintenance $1750
Planning Map Maintenance $350
Street Numbering Maintenance $30 per street number added or edited
$55 per Dispatch Map print
$30 per Street Number Listing

Chairman Hancock moved to approve and sign the Maintenance Contract for the above. Selectman Moroney seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.

Chairman Hancock asked if there was any other business and when no one had any, he said he did. He announced that this was his last meeting as a selectman, that he was stepping down due to employment obligations. He thanked the public for their support. Roberta McGee asked what happens now, if it would just be the two other selectmen on the board. Chairman Hancock said that would be up to them. Selectman Moroney thanked Chris for his service, saying he’s worked very hard as a selectman.

As there was no further business, Chairman Hancock moved to go into Non-Public Session for Personnel Matters at 8:19 p.m. The Board was polled and went into Non-Public Session.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Hancock moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Hancock made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Hancock declared the meeting ended at 9:44 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, October 4, 2010 at 7 pm.