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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes from Nov. 17th meeting

November 28th, 2010

November 17, 2010

Members present: Tom Gately, Lori Hogan, Becki Pike, Mike Shea, Carmine Fabrizio and Bonnie Moroney

Excused: Jim Covey

Guests: Scott Sonia, Nancy Metigay, Bill Rines, Mark Catalano, Joan Karpf, and Linda Dowling

Meeting called to order at 7:03 by Lori

Motion was made by Tom to accept the minutes of the Nov 10, 2010 meeting, Carmine second, and it was passed.

Roll call taken for members, all present except Jim Covey.

Old business: none

New business:

Bill Rines started to present the proposed 2011 budget for the General Buildings.

Janitor was left at $7500.00
Town Building labor was at $5,000.00, Bill explained that this was the time the Greg, Scott or himself worked on repairs or general work of the government buildings. Lori asked if Bill had any plans for the use of the labor for 2011? Bill said that they wanted to complete the other down stairs bathroom, and hoped to start work on the gym area.
He said that they had spent about $6,000.00 for the bathroom that they had worked on already.

Recreation Area Labor was at $1,000.00, Bonnie said that the recreation committee had put $500.00 on their budget to help with repairs on the recreation area, so that maybe it could be taken down to $500.00

Lori asked if they had bought the tires and the rest of the stuff that was needed for the bathroom, as they had money in the budget this year.
She asked if they had bought all the supplies that were needed for the fence that was going to go around the basketball court. She said that he sound think about doing that as there has only been $726.00 used out of the $2500.00 that was budgeted.

Mike asked Billy about the heating system and how they work. Billy said they have had people come in and test the furnaces. The big furnace automatically kicks in when it feel the need. The small furnace heats the office area.

Joan said there are programs out there for putting in new furnaces. They pay for the furnace and the town pays them back by the amount of money that is saved until is it paid off.

Highway Dept Budget

Telephone /comp stayed at $1,200.00. this includes the phone plus the cables for the computer.
Shop Expense and tools, Billy said that they had purchased the ban saw, so he had taken that line down to $1.00, as they didn’t need anything this year.
Tools, Bill said he took down to $200.00 for just general tools that they could need.
Equipment Repairs and Maint. Bill said that one of the trucks had been repaired so he took the line down to $10,000.00
Radio Repairs left at $250.00, Becki asked why the highway dept needed radios. Billy said in the event of an accident, or any kind of emergency.
Road Maintenance was left at $1.00
HW Maitenance Grading left at $1.00
Cold Patch taken down to $500.00
Hot Top left at $5,000.00
Resurfacing left at $10,000.00, Becki asked what the difference between hot top and resurfacing was and Billy explained it was the thickness that is put on. Hot top is just that poured on top, but the resurfacing is thicker and rolled on.
Road side Maint. was increased to $2,400.00. Lori asked it that was for the mowing, and Bonnie said no it was for the mowing of brush once a year, with the tractor.
Culvert Replacement took down to $1,000.00. Billy said that he had bought some extra culvert this year so he won’t need as much next year.
Winter Sand, staying at $5,000.00
Winter Salt, Bill had it at $7,000.00 but took it down to $5,000.00. He said that he has not gotten all of his salt for this year yet, and is expecting to get another 30 ton. It is costing $110.00 per ton right now. Bill said 4 years ago it was $67.00 per ton.

Lori explained that the committee was asking a lot of questions as he is presenting his budget, trying to see where the money is being used.

Gravel, Bill had it left at $5,000.00, but it was asked why he needed that as he had not used that much this year. He said that he is never sure when he will need it, but if he stores it he thinks people will steal it. It was suggested that he go ahead and buy more this year and lower it for 2011. So Bill agreed and lowers it to $500.00.
Bridge Repair $1.00
Contract Labor Sweeping, Bill had increased it to $4,000.00 but did not have a contract price. Bonnie said that increasing it to $3,700.00 would be enough she didn’t see a need for a $500.00 increase.
Gas/Diesel, Bill had at $8,000.00. Discussion arose that he hadn’t even used $5,000 this year. And the Water Dept was planning on putting in for part of the cost of the fuel, so they felt that he could take that down. Bill agreed to take it down to $6,000.00.
Clothing, $3,000.00, still under the contract.
Misc. left at $500.00
Street signs and posts, this is a new line item this year and Bill had $200.00 in it. He then went on to explain that the state was mandating a chance of all warning signs to the new reflective paint by 2013. Lori asked it Bill was working on an inventory of how many signs we would need and what they would cost. Bill said not yet, but he would look into it. It was felt that $200.00 certainly wouldn’t cover the cost of replacing all those signs.
It was suggested by Bonnie that Bill get a price for these signs and come before the Select board about ordering some of them this year, and having the ready to install for 2011, as Bill has quite a bit of extra money on his 2010 budget.

Lori asked Bill if he could come back and give the committee an update on what he feels he can accomplish in the rest of 2010 in preparation for 2011 work.

Scott presented the proposed 2011 budget for the Water Dept.

Scott, made mention that the new lines that had been added to the budget to cover the retirement, FICA, Medicare, insurance and comp. He said this increased his budget by about $20,000.00.
He explained that in 2010 only $15,000.00 of his budget was reflected in salary, but that all but $5,000.00 is reflected in 2011.
Part time labor is when Greg or Bill helps, and that is at $6,000.00.
Clerical is at $7,500.00 and this is for Kelly.
Overtime would be used for not only himself but Greg and Bill if they were helping him, and he increased that to $4,000.00
Contract labor was increased to $6,000.00. He wants to continue to get a better grasp of the system and that requires outside help at times.
Contract labor – expansion, $1.00 as he said he has no plans to expand this coming year.
Water supplies, stayed at $10,000.00
Postage stayed at $630.00.
Telephone, was increase to $1,500.00. It was asked why the increase. Scott explained that the phone line is hooked up to the pumping system for emergency. Plus the cell phone had to buy a $40.00 card per month. It was asked if the cell phone was Scott’s and he said yes. They said they had been told that the town didn’t pay for personal cell phones. Bonnie, asked Scott what he paid for the phone and he said $20.00. She suggested that he come to the select board and they will vote to buy the phone that Scott uses for the alarm system and then the town will own it.
Electricity went down to $12,000.00. Scott said that they are not using as much electricity now that they are finding all the leaks the pumps come on less frequently.
Propane was increased to $3,500, it is used for heat in the pump house and he has no idea what it will increase to this year.
Audit, stayed at $1.00.
Generator Ser Contract was increased to $800.00. Scott had gotten a company to maintain the generator and the yearly price is $800.00.
Equipment repairs stayed at $5,000.00
Water Meter Software Support stayed at $1.00
Chemicals and Equipment was decreased to $4,000.00 because the only chemical that is used is soda ash and they are using less of that since the leaks have been fixed.
Water Samples went down to $1,500.00. Scott had asked the contractor what he was charging for the testing this year and he said $1,500.00 for 2011.
Licenses and Fees was decreased to $300.00
Water Depreciation left blank $0
Water Services $1.00
Sand, Gravel, Loam and Seed stayed at $1,000
Water Expansion was lowed to $1.00. Scott said he wants to continue to focus on fixing what is leaking or broken for now.
Water Expansion piping $1.00
Water Expansion Testing $1.00
Water Line Repairs is a new line and he asked to put $5,000.00
Misc. stayed at $750.00
Water Training /Travel wanted to increase to $1,000.00. He said that the classes were about $100.00 each and they all need to go and keep up their certifications.
New lines they wanted to have added.
Buildings and Grounds $500.00
Hydrant Maintenance and repair $7,000.00, he wants to replace 3 hydrants this year.
Vehicle $1.00
Vehicle Repair $5,000.00. Scott said that he is going to work with the highway dept and they are going to keep track of the hours that they use each vehicle and then charge that dept., this will also be for the fuel as well.
Computer/Software $250.00
Gas/Diesel $3,000.00
Tools $1,500.00, this is for generic tools that he needs for the working on the pipes.
Equipment Purchase $3,000.00 Scott said that he needed a Monitor, for testing the gas content before going into a pit. And also a Cut off Saw.
Office supplies (bills and envelopes, etc.) $500.00
Tank inspection, $1.00. Scott said that the tanks need to be inspected once every 5 years and they were just done this year.
Tank repair and Maintenance $1.00. He said that they have replaced 2 valves this year and repaired the meter on the line. So there are no plans for any more repairs.

Joan asked it they were going to increase the water charges. Bonnie said yes they were, as when they had calculated the fees we were using thousands of more gallons that what was being consumed by the public. They had no way of knowing, but now we have a clearer picture, so we can be more accurate.

The committee went back to vote on what was presented.
General Buildings
Janitor, $6,000, motioned to accept by Mike, second by Carmine, and it passed.
Town Building Labor was tabled until Bill comes back with what he is planning to do.
Recreation area Labor was tabled as well.
Contract labor taken down to $2,000.00 Mike motioned to accept, Tom second and it passed.
Electricity $12,000.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Becki second, and it passed, Tom abstained.
Heating oil, it was motioned to take it down to the $22,000.00 recommended by the select board. Becki motioned to accept, Carmine second and it passed.
Heating plant maint. $1,200.00 Becki motioned to accept, Carmine second and it passed.
Repairs & Maint. Town Bldgs it was discussed and decided to take it to $20,000.00 as the septic was not getting done in 2010 and would need to be done, so Bonnie motioned to increase to $20,000.00, Tom second and it was passed.
Rec Area Maint. $500.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Becki second and it was passed
Rentals & Leases $18,300.00 Becki motioned to accept, Bonnie second and it passed, Lori abstained.
Janitor Supplies $800.00 Becki motioned to accept, Becki motioned to accept, Carmine second and it was passed.
Misc. $300.00 Becki motioned to accept, Mike second and it passed.

Highway Dept.
We waited for salary lines at a later date.

Telephone/computer $1,200.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Mike second and it passed.
Shop expense and tools, Tom motioned to take the amount to $500.00, Carmine second and it passed.
Tools $200.00 Tom motioned to accept, Carmine second and it was passed.
Equipment purchase $1.00 Tom motioned to accept, Mike second and it was passed.
Equipment repairs and maint. $10,000.00 Mike motioned to accept, Becki second and it was passed.
Radio repairs, $250.00, Road Maint. $1.00 and HW Maint. Grading $1.00 Bonnie motioned to accept all, Becki second and it was passed.
Cold Patch, $500.00 Tom motioned to accept, Mike second and it was passed.
Hot Top $5,000.00. Bonnie motioned to accept, Mike second and it was passed.
Resurfacing $10,000.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Tom second and it was passed.
Road Side maint. $2,400.00 Tom motioned to accept, Carmine second and it was passed.
Culvert replacement $1,000.00 Tom motioned to accept, Becki second and it was passed.
Winter sand $5,000.00 Tom motioned to accept, Carmine second and it was passed.
Winter salt $5,000.00 Lori motioned to accept, Becki second and it was passed.
Gravel $500.00 Tom motioned to accept, Becki second and it was passed.
Bridge repair $1.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Tom second and it passed.
Contract labor sweeping $3,700.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Becki second and it passed.
Gas/Diesel $4,000. Bonnie motioned to accept, Becki second and it passed.
Clothing, $3,000.00 Tom motioned to accept, Carmine second and it passed.
Misc. $500.00 Mike motioned to accept Tom second and it passed.
Sidewalk repair, $1,000.00 Becki motioned to accept, Tom second and it was passed.
Highway supplies, $100.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Carmine second and it passed.
Street Signs and Posts $500.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Tom second and it was passed.

Water Dept.
Skip down to Contract Labor $6,000.00 and Cont. Lab. Expansion $1.00 Tom motioned to accept, Carmine second and it passed.
Water Supplies $10,000.00 and Postage $630.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Becki second and it passed.
Telephone $1,280 and Elect. $12,000.00 Tom motioned to accept, Carmine second and it was passed.
Propane $3,500.00 Mike motioned to accept, Tom second and it was passed.
Audit $1.00 and Generator Ser Contract $800.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Mike second and it passed.
Equipment repairs, $5,000.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Mike second and it passed.
Water Meter support $1.00, Chemicals & equip $4,000.00 Bonnie motioned to accept, Becki second and it was passed.
Water samples, $1,500.00 Tom motioned to accept, Becki second and it was passed.
License 04-4332.10-510 thru 04-4332.10-621 Water tanks and repair. Tom motioned to accept, Becki second and it was passed.
04-4332.10-630 Bldg & Grounds, Tom motioned to accept, Carmine second and it passed.
04-4332.10.700 Sand and Gravel, Mike motioned to accept, Bonnie second and it passed.
04-4332.10-800 thru04-4332.10-804 Tom motioned to accept, Carmine second and it passed.
04-4332.804 Hydrant Maint. Bonnie motioned to accept, Carmine second and it passed.
04-4332.10-900 thru 04-4332.10-901 Tom motioned to accept, Carmine second and it was passed.

Lori requested the Fire Dept., Police Dept. and Transfer Station all bring sample work schedules. So that the budget committee may get an idea of what they do.

Next Meeting will be Dec. 1, 2010
presenting their budgets will be:
Transfer Station
Town of Carroll Chamber of Commerce
Emergency Management

Tom motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 Becki second.