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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 11/29/2010

December 4th, 2010

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
November 29, 2010

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Bonnie Moroney, Mark Catalano

The public meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Selectman Moroney

Members of the public present: Bill Dowling, Linda Dowling, Ike Ikasalo, Frank Maturo, Ann Fabrizio, Carmine Fabrizio, Georgia Brodeur, Claire Gritzer, John Gardiner, Evan Karpf, Joan Karpf, Mark Clark, Sue Clark, Jeremy Oleson, Kelly Trammell, John Trammell, Bill Smalley, Mike Brunetti, Michael Carroll, Ben Jellison, Melissa Jellison, Mike Gooden, Tom Gately

Pledge of Allegiance

The board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Accept the minutes for November 15, 2010 as written. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Mark Clark spoke of his having been at the meeting two weeks previously. He said he had come to fill the Selectman vacancy only – he had “no ax to grind, no desire to run in March.” He also felt he deserved a formal vote on this which had not happened at the last meeting. However, he felt there had been an ax to grind with him by Evan Karpf particularly when it was implied that he was asleep at the job when he was on the Board. He felt his integrity had been questioned and his reputation had been impugned. Mr. Clark said he did not challenge the statements as he was not prepared to at the time. He went on to say issues were addressed when they could be and they formed a safety committee to help work through current violations and to avoid future ones. He said the particular safety incident referred to was in March, 2006 and he left the Board in March, 2005. Mr. Clark said he had spoken with Jay Ouellette, the Chairman of the Board at the time, who informed him that the State had said there wouldn’t be a fine as long as the town had the safety committee and continued working that way. He said there were a lot of other things going also. In fact, he said he had a number of dealings about town business even after he left Office, to emphasize the amount of time he had spent on behalf of the town. He felt he deserved a public apology from Evan Karpf.

Dr. Karpf responded that his intent was to bring up that while Mr. Clark was on the Board these things were there. He mentioned other issues were also there such as water meters that weren’t addressed until recently and for which he thanked the Board. He went on to say the issues didn’t just happen in one year. If Mr. Clark thinks he said he was responsible for the lack of the trench box he apologized for the fact that it was interpreted that way. His intent was not to offend him. Further discussion ensued regarding the vacancy and Mr. Clark wondered how business could be conducted or resolved if a Selectman had to recuse him or herself. As it is now, they would have to wait until March. Selectman Catalano said at this point, the only case they know of is his father’s abatement that probably won’t come up until after March. If something should come up, they will have to come to an agreement somehow.
Selectman Catalano said he appreciates Mark Clark being here and having his comments – he felt his own integrity was blasphemed at the last meeting. He also feels the town has several different factions and this has got to stop. He feels the perception for a long time was that the town was underfunded – things that needed to get done weren’t; now, people feel it is overfunded – that in the past Select Boards rightly or wrongly had been tagged as underfunding. Now they think they’ve gone too far and must go back. He believes we will be able to reach a 10% reduction over last year and that applying the largest amount of unreserved fund balance to help reduce taxes are showing the taxpayers that this Board is trying. Moving forward the Board is cognizant of the fact that things need to be done differently; also that these have nothing to do with personal issues and everybody has a right to his or her own opinion.
Chairman Moroney thanked Mr. Clark for stepping up and trying to help which might have saved the town some money. When asked what that meant, she said it would have put a stop to the lawsuit by Linda Dowling which is costing the town money. It was asked if anyone else had come forward to volunteer for the seat and no one has. Chairman Moroney then made a Motion to: Nominate Mr. Clark for the empty seat on the Select Board. Selectman Catalano said he could not second that. Ben Jellison said he understood from his conversation two weeks ago with Selectman Catalano that he was going to speak with Mr. Clark which might have cleared up some misunderstandings and wondered if he had. Selectman Catalano said when he saw Mr. Clark’s name on the agenda for tonight he decided to wait until afterward.
Chairman Moroney then explained the Library Trustees had been invited to come tonight as when the Trustees presented their budget to the Budget Committee, they learned of their plans for a renovation to the Library. It was further explained that they lacked the amount of money they needed and they would not be able to do it for awhile, but some of the shelves were getting to be in bad shape. Because of the possible safety issue, Chairman Moroney who also sits on the Budget Committee, asked the Safety Committee to do a special inspection of the Library, which they did. Their recommendation is to replace the shelving with particular concern for the two long sets of shelves in the center of the Library. To that end, Chairman Moroney wondered about using some funds from the General Building budget to help get this started. The Trustees spoke of their quote from Tucker Library Interiors which includes a new layout, but the cost for the whole Library is $23,948 and they do not have enough money. Mrs. Gritzer said the money they do have is tied up in a bond for a couple more years. Regarding replacing just the two worst shelving units, it was noted that once the order is placed it will take eight weeks to receive them. They would like to do some painting, at least the ceiling if not all, once the books are all packed away and they will also try to get rugs for the floors. They received two quotes including one for just the two main units, at $7,846 would hopefully leave some money for the painting and rugs if possible. We will verify that a signed contract will be enough documentation to allow us to encumber the funds from this year’s budget. Once this is confirmed we will ask the Trustees to secure a contract so the Select Board may vote on it. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Move forward on the Library shelving at $7,846. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed. Claire Gritzer thanked the Selectmen for their support.
Michael Carroll attended on behalf of the Mount Washington Alpine & Country Club at the ski area. They added a deck with a fireplace to the Alpine Club and have applied to the State for an expanded liquor license. To complete the process, they need approval from the Town. Mr. Carroll said this will add about 15 people and is an area accessed only through the Club. Kelly Trammell asked about the Club as she thought it was a temporary building. It was explained that it is temporary and the permit expired in May, 2010. However, due to the economic situation, the developers put construction of a permanent building on hold, and applied to the Planning Board for an extension of their permit. The Planning Board approved the extension for three more seasons, including this season, until May, 2013. A letter will need to be written to the State that the Town approves the expansion of the liquor license and will be completed the next day for signing. Accordingly, Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Approve the expansion of the liquor license and to sign the letter when it is ready. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed.
The following items were approved and signed:

Yield Tax Warrant – Werner
Town Hall Use Permit Application – Whitefield Rec/Twin Mountain Rec Youth Basketball,
Vecchio, Twin Mountain Snowmobile Club
Notices of Intent to Cut – Bayroot, LLC
Property Tax Abatement – Pesman
Water Warrant – Saffian, Johnson
Veteran’s Exemption – Gray

Under Other:

The Treasurer submitted a Withdrawal slip to be signed by both Selectmen to remove money from the Water Fund to have the Trustees of the Trust Funds deposit into the Water Capital Reserve Fund. (The amount of this is $4,775, and will complete the moving of $9,500 per Warrant Article 22 approved by voters in March.)

The Secretary said Bill Rines was unable to attend tonight and asked that she advise the Board that it will be about $3,000 to purchase the supplies and materials to complete the ladies room downstairs at the Town Hall. This is based on prices received from Home Depot, Lowes, and several area hardware stores. Chairman Moroney made a Motion For: Bill to purchase the supplies and materials. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed. Selectman Catalano asked for a list from Bill as he is currently doing similar work at his properties and would be happy to give anything left over to Bill and maybe save a little money. The Secretary will obtain the list.

Mr. Rines also asked that the Selectmen be advised regarding the program about “retro-reflectivity” for signs. They are still researching this, but he has learned that there is supposed to be state aid to help cover the cost. Whether it will be in the form of a grant or reimbursement is still unknown, though there could be help for up to 90% of it. At this time, the program is to be at stages with stop signs, warnings, etc. being required by 2012, and street name signs by 2018. The cost of one stop sign is $150 and the town has more than 100. It was noted that this subject was on a morning show on television today and with research being done on it, the urgency seems to be slowing down. Apparently it is being pushed by the 3M Company, who are the only ones who can make these signs. A suggestion was made that our State Reps be asked to find out about this.

Lastly, a quote of $4,100 was received for all the materials except the chain link fence for installing fencing at the Recreation field. This was requested by the Recreation Committee from the same company they had used last year for work done over there. Brief discussion followed and it was stated they can look further for prices as they do not have to use this company.

Chairman Moroney brought up town insurances for which we are awaiting comparison prices. She said Lori Hogan had offered to check with the company that her employer uses for Workers Comp and Property Liability, and forwarded the email she had received in response. Chairman Moroney read the email which said basically they cannot be competitive against Primex and LGC, which are the current carriers for the Town. Selectman Catalano will go to the office in the morning and get information so he can make calls to his carrier for pricing.

Chairman Moroney brought up the water rates and said when they were set they were based on the number of gallons that had been used, based on readings over a period in excess of a year to determine experience and usage. However, no one knew about all the leaks that have since been fixed which resulted in a huge reduction in the amount of water used. In order to meet this year’s budget, one more reading will be made covering from the last reading in early October through mid December and the bill will be sent to be paid in January. This will be for usage only as the base rate has already been charged.

Chairman Moroney said beginning in 2011, water bills will be sent quarterly in March, June, September and December, and that the rates will increase to $60 base rate; $25 fixed rate; and $5.85/1,000 gallons usage. The vacant curb stop will remain the same at 2010. As was explained again, this has been an experimental year with the new Water Department and being able to calculate actual use. It was noted the new rates will be enough to cover the proposed 2011 budget and they are still less than they way they were billed prior to setting up the new department. Chairman Moroney also noted that beginning in 2011 we will be budgeting for usage in all town buildings. There is a property at the end of Little River Road that does not get a water bill in exchange for being able to use their land, and a reading for the actual usage will be taken for documentation. Also for documentation, a reading will be done for the property on Route 3 North, where the water is left running through the winter so it won’t freeze. It was stated at some point, this will have to be changed.

It was pointed out that rates are not increasing to cover actual water lost but because consumption was not as high as originally believed. Ben Jellison asked if all town buildings are metered, which they are and he also asked if hydrant fees are coming back. Chairman Moroney said when a meeting was held with Scott Clang regarding the rates and setting new ones, there was talk of it, but if so, it will be done correctly. They have to look into logistics as well as other areas before this can happen. Chairman Moroney made a Motion to: Accept the new rates and the new billing schedule. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed.

Chairman Moroney said Bill Dowling said at the last Select Board meeting he would not take plastic bags and plastics 3 through 7. She noted he initiated this as a convenience for the public and asked his reason for discontinuing it which he said was transportation to Littleton as he doesn’t have a vehicle to take them. He currently takes them about once a week, depending on when he’s going. Mrs. Moroney asked if he would have a place to keep them until someone could take them to Littleton in a town truck and he said he could. She went on to say some people were relatively upset about this and believed it was due to budget cuts so she was wondering if they could figure out a way to do it with a town vehicle rather than his own. She suggested the Select Board could address this with the Highway Department and work out a schedule so the convenience will still be there for the people. Mr. Dowling agreed to this.

Selectman Catalano said he had wanted to speak with the men from Bretton Woods about the trademark issue and it was noted that they have narrowed it to only hotels and motels dropping all other areas. He went on to give an update of the Cog train on behalf of Jim Covey. He said Charlie Kennison had been able to put stakes up to show general location, below the fence on state property. Apparently the state will now work with us on this and it should be low enough to not hinder the view from the Information Booth area, there are no water lines, etc. Mr. Catalano feels they should still put balloons to show height and location and will discuss this with Jim when he returns. He reiterated that Mr. Covey has been speaking with the state and they have apparently decided to find a way they could work with the town.

Selectman Catalano said he is wondering if someone from the Historical Society is willing to spend five or ten minutes once a month or so at the beginning of a Select Board meeting to give a historical fact about the town—things that have happened in the town, etc. He thinks this would give people something positive to talk about as well as an opportunity to learn about the town. He said he had spoken to Mike Gooden about it and had also said he had not yet spoken with Selectman Moroney, which he is doing now! Mr. Gooden said he’d be willing to try to organize something which as Selectman Catalano said should be on a regular basis at least once a month. Chairman Moroney agreed to do this.

Bill Dowling asked for a list of the stop signs in town.

As there was no further business, Chairman Moroney moved to go into Non-Public Session for Town Aid at 8:35 p.m. The Board was polled and went into Non-Public Session.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Moroney moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Selectman Moroney declared the meeting ended at 9:23 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, December 6, 2010.