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2nd Public Budget Meeting Jan 12, 2011

January 29th, 2011

January 12, 2011

Members present: Lori Hogan, Mike Shea , Tom Gately, Becki Pike, Jim Covey and Bonnie Moroney

Excused due to weather: Carmine Fabrizio

Guests: Jeff Duncan, John Trammell, Mark Catalano, Joan Karpf, Al Strasser. Bill Dowling, Dan Walker and Linda Dowling

Meeting called to order at 7:03PM

Lori discussed what the committee had voted on last night after the public meeting.

4220.10-500 Dispatch was going from $4300.00 to $4678.00 for a new contract price.
This was passed.

4194.10-413 Water Consumption for $1,500.00. It was passed.

4332.10-101 Part time labor was decreased to $5,000. for the water dept. it was passed.

Lori read all the feel good warrants, and asked for a vote to recommend. 100% voted to recommend.

There were two warrants that the budget committee had not voted on yet.

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $18,000.00 to be used for overtime for the Fire/Emergency Department and the Police Dept. and to have this money come from the Town’s Unreserved Fund Balance as of Dec. 31, 2010. No money to be raised from new taxation.

All voted to recommend as amended.

The other warrant was for the bond for the purchase of the Twin Village Plaza.
3 apposed, 2 recommend and one abstained. Not recommended by budget committee.

At the present time we have an 11.37% decrease in the 2011 budget from the 2010. If all the warrants pass we would be at a 3.7% decrease.

Town of Carroll – Budget Revenues
3186 Payment in Lieu of Taxes
Actual for 2010 was $127,962.00 and budget for 2011 is $58,000.00

Interfund Operating Transfers in

3912 From Special Revenue Funds
Actuals 2010 – 50,860.00
2011 if passes $165,000.00

Lori addressed the Warrants starting with the Capital Reserve funds.
Bonnie asked if she could go over what she had written about each one, as questions had been asked about the amounts requested and how much was in them.

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Dollars) to be placed in the Municipal Truck Capital Reserve Fund. Recommended by the Selectmen and the Budget Committee.

At the present time we have about $68,762.36 (this of course changes with interest). We have two highway trucks one is a GMC Dump Truck and the other is a Ford F356 4x4 Dump Truck. The average cost to replace the smaller truck is about $57,000.00 and the bigger truck would be about $150,000.00. The life expectancy of the trucks would probably max out at 10 years. So if we pass the $15,000.00 each year in 10 years we would have enough in there to replace the big truck or the smaller before that as needed.

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $18,000 (Eighteen Thousand Dollars) to be placed in the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund. Recommended by the Selectmen and the Budget Committee.

At the present time we have about $26,699.82 in the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund. We have two police vehicles that cost approximately $37,000.00 to get completely up and ready to roll. The thought is to replace the vehicle every 4 years, so if we funded this $18,000.00 then we would have $36,000.00 every two years to replace the one that needs replacing.

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $10,000 (Ten Thousand Dollars) to be placed in the Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. Recommended by the Selectmen and the Budget Committee.

At the present time we have about $41,281.91 in the Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. This money would be used to replace the backhoe, or any other large piece of equipment that was needed to help the highway dept. take care of the town.

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $2,000 (Two Thousand Dollars) to be placed in the Computer Technology Capital Reserve Fund. Recommended by the Selectmen and the Budget Committee.

At the present time we have $13,254.00 in the Computer Tech. Capital Reserve Fund.
This money would be used for new back up servers or any required computer equipment needed to keep the town up and running and protected.

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $2,000 (Two Thousand Dollars) to be placed in the Library Improvement Capital Reserve Fund. Recommended by the Selectmen and the Budget Committee.

At the present time we have $11,678.76 in the Library Capital Reserve Fund. This money will be used to complete the purchase of new metal shelving for better use of space and the safety of those who use the library, as the older wooden shelves are starting to ware down.

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $10,000 (Ten Thousand Dollars) to be placed in the Landfill Closure Capital Reserve Fund. Recommended by the Selectmen and the Budget Committee.

At the present time we have $132,148.97 in the Landfill Closure Capital Reserve Fund. This money will be used when the day comes that the government tells us that we may no longer have the transfer station and need replace it with what ever the government tells us
is required.

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $10,000 (Ten Thousand Dollars) to be placed in the Road Improvements Capital Reserve Fund. Recommended by the Selectmen and the Budget Committee.

At the present time there is approximately $120,630.69 in this fund. I know that $10,000.00 is a very small percentage for what it cost to repave a road. Even this $109,000.00 won’t go far with the cost of one road never mind every road in town. Eventually this line should be increased so that more money will go in each year, helping to relieve the impact of the cost of each road.

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $30,000 (Thirty Thousand Dollars) to be placed in the New Land & Building Capital Reserve Fund Recommended by the Selectmen and the Budget Committee.

At the present time there is approximately $163,000.00 in this fund. This money is being put aside to help with the cost of future buildings. There isn’t any formula that I am aware of for how this amount of $30,000.00 was arrived at, but I do know that by working on the Committee looking for a permanent home for the Police Dept. that it will cost thousands and thousands of dollars for us to move forward, and by funding this amount each year it will help offset the bottom line that we would need to take out for a loan or bond.

Bill Dowling said that the Landfill Closure was for the old land fill as the government required testing of the wells and if there was any contamination they would need the money there to take care of what ever the government required us to do.

Household hazardous waste increased to $1,500, because in the past North Country Council had gotten grants to help pay for most of that, but they had not gotten one for last year, they are trying for one for 2011, so it may be that it will cost us less but at this time, we need to try for the $1,500.00. Bill had 18 people participate in 2010.

All the “Feel Good” Warrants were read and Lori mentioned that the committee had not voted on those or Article #3, and 7.

Dan Walker asked about the price of purchasing the Twin Village Plaza, Bonnie said that Mr. Byrd has said he would go down to $475,000.00. and that is was accessed for over $590,000.00. He also asked what the rent totaled at the present time, and Bonnie said for the three that are rented it is $2,500.00 per month, and that the money would go into the general fund to offset the bond payment.

There was some discussion about the article for the police cruiser and Jim asked Chief Trammell how he planned on selling the public on passing this article. Al suggested removing the comment “no money to be raised from taxation”. Bonnie said that if the comment isn’t there the voters would be looking for the amount that it would be adding to their 2011 taxes. It was suggested by Jeff that it be changed to match the others, reading “no money to be raised from new taxation”. This changed was voted and passed by the committee.

Al had asked why we needed two ambulances and Jeff said that there are many reasons, but one is the amount of calls that they are one and sometimes both ambulances are out at the same time, when the people are available. It was also asked when they decided to replace the ambulances. Jeff said they try for every 10 years. He said the older one is a 2002 and by the time this new one would be put together and ready for service it would be almost 2012.

Article 9 – The warrant to raise and appropriate $12,000.00 from the Planning Revenue Fund to pay for the two budget lines covering Property Inspector and Code Enforcement officer. This enabled the budget committee to take those two lines down to $1.00 each for this year only.

It was discussed that Article 10 the wording should be changed to “no money will be raised from new taxation”.

At 9PM the public budget meeting ended and the committee went into the regular budget meeting.

The committee discussed Article 7 and it was voted by all to recommend this warrant.
There was then discussion on article 3 and at the end of the discussion it was 3 apposed, 2 to recommend and 1 abstained, so article 3 was not recommended by the budget committee.

Lori said that she would like to put together something for the new budget committee to focus on for the next year cycle. She felt that they needed to have meetings with the Select Board and draft up something to help things work well.

Bonnie mentioned that the bylaws needed to be done, as the ones we have are for volunteer not elected. This was tabled presently.

Loir asked about how the committee wanted to present during the Deliberative Session. Several people said that Lori should do it again, as she had done such a good job last year.

Chief Trammell said he would talk about the cruiser and Sgt Smalley would also talk about the condition of the vehicles and Rick about the amount of court cases.

It was suggested that the word needs to get out about the warrants and why we need them to be passed.

Tom motioned to adjourn at 9:17PM Beckie, second and it was passed.