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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 04/11/2011

April 22nd, 2011

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2011

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Mark Catalano, Bonnie Moroney, Bill Dowling

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Catalano

Members of the public present: Leslie Bergum, Greg Hogan, Roberta McGee, Evan Karpf, Frank Maturo, Ike Ikasalo, Ann Fabrizio, Carmine Fabrizio, Mike Gooden, Scott Sonia, Joyce Charrette, Jeff Duncan, Tadd Bailey, Bill Smalley, Dave Scalley, Dan Walker, Bill Vecchio, Rena Vecchio, Lee Hallquist

Pledge of Allegiance

Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Accept the minutes for March 28, 2011. Chairman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Catalano entered into a discussion with Dan Walker about people standing in the back of the room rather than sitting as requested. He reminded that the Board had passed rules of respect and courtesy as the meeting on March 21, and unless there was a physical reason someone could not sit, everyone would be expected to sit during the meeting. During this discussion, Selectman Moroney brought up an incident report received by the Selectmen this week. The report was regarding a rather unruly citizen and his treatment of the staff in the Town Hall. Though all Selectmen were aware of the situation, not all had had the opportunity to read the report and it was pointed out that the point was not necessarily to read the report aloud, but rather to be sure steps are taken to avoid these issues in the future. It was noted a policy was put in place a few years back, but if there is not a written one, that there should be so it will be consistent. It was decided that the staff would be allowed to handle it and if they wish to have the police investigate it, they could.

Chairman Catalano read the following statement: “This meeting is being taped by a private citizen and is not done under the auspices of the town and is not an official record of the town.”

The following items were approved and signed:

Town Hall Use Permit Applications – Gilman, White, Mason
Letter to the Town of Whitefield – In Support of Land Sale of property owned in Carroll, to the
U.S. Forest Service
Intent to Cut – Bayroot, LLC
Water Warrant – First Issue, 2011
Property Tax Abatement – Sousa, Plotkin, Morton Trust, DeVito, Benz
Property Tax Abatement Denial – Messina
Property Tax Abatement Refund – Catalano (Chairman Catalano recused himself from this vote)
Supplementary Water Warrant – Martel, Talbot
2011 Registration Form – NH the Beautiful/Litter-Free NH
Evan Karpf said town clean-up day will be the weekend before Memorial Day
Property Tax Elderly Exemption – Doyon
Intents to Excavate – Pike Industries, Inc.

Chairman Catalano then read a letter from the Carroll Information Group requesting the money that was approved for them at Town Meeting. Selectman Moroney said where they have frozen other funds, she felt it wasn’t appropriate to consider at this time. Chairman Catalano said he had looked into it and because this group is non-profit, they would fall in the same category as the so-called “feel good” articles to which the town contributes. These monies are distributed in June and December, and he said he hopes the freeze will be off by June. Chairman Catalano made a Motion To: Defer this until such time as they are able to complete their financial analysis. Selectman Dowling seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Under Other

The proposal for having a Selectman as reps on the departments was brought up again. Chairman Catalano said this would allow each Selectman to know a lot about a department and its operation as well as to help avoid being blindsided by problems on Monday night. He read the policy that he had written for this. Discussion ensued as to why the Selectmen feel the department heads can’t just come to the Board to discuss issues, etc. It was also pointed out that this becomes micro-managing. Selectman Moroney said as there were several department heads in attendance, perhaps they should be asked if they have a problem coming to the Board. Fire Chief Jeff Duncan said he doesn’t have a problem. He is concerned this would be eliminating the Board as ruling might be made by one person. He said he would rather make his own presentation to the Board than have them present something to themselves. Road Agent, Greg Hogan said he has no problem coming to the Board. He also stated it’s the Board that makes decisions as one cannot do so alone. It was noted that if there is a spending issue they could call their rep but they could also just call the Selectmen’s Secretary who could poll the board and they could bring it up at the next meeting. Further, it was pointed out that the department head doesn’t have to wait, it’s why they have a budget and if they have money needed, they should be able to move forward. It was reiterated that it isn’t a good idea to implement this.

With the discussion at hand, Water Superintendent Scott Sonia decided it was a good time to bring up that there is a pressure reducing valve failing on Parker Road and it will be approximately $4,000 to replace. He went on to explain the pressure is greater now than it was when the valve was originally installed many years ago. The Selectmen were in agreement that as this is something that is required, if he has the money in his budget, he should go forward with it. This lead to the question about paper trails when payment requests are made. The Board assured that the department heads do a very good at submitting paperwork to backup all requests they make, thereby creating a very strong “trail.”

Rena Vecchio continued the discussion regarding Selectmen reps in the departments and suggested maybe they would meet once a week with the head. She feels this would eliminate any Selectman who works out of town and would be unable to meet. Mrs. Vecchio also said she believes this is controlling too much. Dave Scalley said if they are comfortable with the department heads who have been doing the job, they shouldn’t need this. This is the reason for having department heads. Chairman Catalano said he believes having access to one Selectman would be beneficial and it would be a more efficient way to divide responsibility. He also said he thinks it is important that the Select Board meet with the heads every month. It was noted that the Select Board are elected to run the town and the department heads run the departments. Selectman Moroney said they had this situation before and it caused a lot of problems. One department head said there shouldn’t be any individual telling them what to do, etc., and as a department head, he wants to present his issues to the full board, not just the one most familiar with the department. A suggestion was made to get legal advice on the subject. Numerous ideas were also expressed such as having the department heads come to a meeting once a month splitting it so 3 would come to each, and if they have any particular issues, they should bring them when they come up. It was also suggested they might have a work session monthly or every six weeks as the main issue to concentrate on is the budget. It was decided to defer making any decision and continue discussion at the next meeting.

Selectman Dowling said the Police had brought in a list when they were looking for a new cruiser. He said he would like to institute a bid policy as they have not brought any bids in.
Rena Vecchio asked why this was under the “other” category, and not on the agenda. She said if other people had known this would be brought up, they may have attended the meeting to discuss it, and pointed out, she was referring specifically to the Police Chief. Selectman Moroney said she also wasn’t aware this was coming up. Chairman Catalano said the bid document should be provided to all three Selectmen to discuss at the next meeting. They should make any changes, etc. that they want and they will decide at the next meeting whether to adopt it or not. It was noted the Selectmen may change it if they adopt it, but if it is adopted at Town Meeting, it would have to go back to Town Meeting to change. Discussion took place about having a bid policy and that it should also take into consideration service, quality and relationship with vendors, not just the financial aspect. All speakers to the subject expressed they thought having a policy is a good idea, it was stated to be careful that it doesn’t become so limiting that nothing can be accomplished. Jeff Duncan said he has no objection to a bid policy, but asked if it is all right for the Select Board to bring one forward as the legislative body (the town) voted one down several years ago. The Board agreed to check with legal and suggested a call to LGC.

Selectman Dowling brought up that at the Chamber meeting today they discussed their summer schedule and it was noted that the AMC Highland Center will be having their Easter Egg Hunt on Easter, Sunday, April 24.

Selectman Moroney said spoke of the “other” category and said when they have things they are bringing up, they need to start being on the agenda and not brought up under “other.” The concept of “other” is things that come up at the last minute or something that someone in the audience may have. People need to be aware of all these things that are being brought up. Another thing they need to do is discuss raises. The normal procedure in the past is that these raises are initiated by April 1. Chairman Catalano said he recalled they figured 3% of everybody’s wages and were going to add them together and then the Select Board would determine who would get a raise out of that amount. It was questioned whether this discussion took place in a Selectmen’s meeting or in a Budget Committee meeting. While believed to be in a Selectmen’s meeting, the Secretary was asked to look into it.

Chairman Catalano brought forth a mission statement that he would like the Board to adopt. So that all would have a chance to read it, he suggested it be discussed at the next meeting.

Chairman Catalano gave an update on his financial review and said he is not only trying to insure there is money when it is needed, but that it is important to look at costs into the future through both 2011 and 2012 – that we should always be trying to project out a year or two. By using a chart he showed the revenue and spending for the past thirteen years and said the town must look long and hard at spending. Revenues are decreasing, the State budget is being cut which will result in unfunded mandates for us, county and school taxes are increasing – all impacts need to be looked at. He has projected when the reval is done, the town will lose 25 to 30% of its value. A brief discussion of setting the tax rate took place. Dave Scalley asked about making the town more viable and bringing businesses in, maybe with incentives, to build a tax base. Mr. Scalley suggested a committee be started with taxpayers, business owners, Chamber members, etc., an economic development-type committee, whatever it might be called. The general consensus seemed that it should happen. Selectman Dowling said there is industrial land at the Transfer Station that could be used. He also said there is an area economic development group that meets once a month at The Rocks and this town is not represented. He said we need to get involved with this group. Mrs. Vecchio asked where the land was and could people see it. Selectman Dowling said after the snow goes, he’d be happy to show anyone where it is.

Chairman Catalano said there will be more financial information in two weeks. He may also want to get an outside person to verify his findings and he advised this may cost some money. Jeff Duncan asked if the next layer could show the tax rate over the same thirteen-year period, which Chairman Catalano said could be done. He also stated the cost of living needs to be factored in.

Evan Karpf said he wanted to address an email from Selectman Moroney that was sent to the Planning Board and the Selectmen as to what the intent was. Selectman Moroney said it was to bring out information of which not everyone was aware including that a recent Planning Board meeting was posted that there may be two Selectmen in attendance. Dr. Karpf asked numerous questions with reference to the email regarding budget figures, the secretary’s duties, and hours pertaining to performing those duties among them. He stated he just wanted to establish a policy following the State RSA and he felt the email was disparaging and unprofessional.

Leslie Bergum said she serves the town as a rep on the Ammonoosuc River Local Advisory Committee and works with NH Rivers Management & Protection Program as well as the Volunteer River Assessment Program. She is concerned about these two programs as they are both facing elimination with the budget cuts in the State. She wasn’t sure if the Select Board was the place to come, but she drafted a letter that she would like the Selectmen to consider sending. The letter is being sent to the Senate President, the Senate Finance Chairman Moroney and to State Senator John Gallus. Mrs. Bergum feels these programs are very important to the water quality and protection of our water resources. Selectman Moroney said the Select Board should support this as they have supported the programs in the past. Mrs. Bergum said she will get the letter to the Secretary as soon as she can so it may be finalized and sent before the vote is taken. Chairman Catalano made a Motion To: Sign the letter as soon as it is ready. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for legal and town aid matters at 9:30 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Catalano moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Catalano declared the meeting ended at 10:18 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, April 25, 2011.