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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 5/23/2011

May 31st, 2011

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2011

"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Mark Catalano, Bonnie Moroney, Bill Dowling

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Chairman Catalano

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Robert Hunt, Ann Fabrizio, Frank Maturo, Jeff Duncan, Ike Ikasalo, Al Strasser, Carmine Fabrizio, Butch Garneau, Mike Gooden, Greg Hogan, Scott Sonia, Joyce Charrette, Holly Richard, Bob Richard, Dan Walker, Jeremy Oleson, Dave Scalley, Richard Nelson, Evan Karpf, Lori Hogan

Pledge of Allegiance

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Catalano said there were some changes he wanted to make in the minutes as what was written was not what he said. These are: page 3, line 7 to remove “look as though they are taking into consideration all factors” and replace with “take all factors into consideration”; line 28 to replace “knows what they are doing” with “has the experience to do so”; and, thirdly, line 32, replace “someone else doing that” with “someone else verifying the numbers.” The Secretary said she can’t make changes based on what someone wishes they said, so she would check the tape and if these are the cases, she will make the changes. Chairman Catalano made a Motion To: Accept the minutes of May 9, 2011, with the corrections, pending that it is what was actually said. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Catalano then read a letter to the State Liquor Commission stating that the Town of Carroll has no objection to the name change for the Bretton Woods Golf Club and golf course, so they will fall under the license for the Resort. Selectman Dowling made a Motion To: Sign the letter. Chairman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

The following items were approved and signed:

Water Warrant – Powell, Quirk-Bessette, Seven Fifty Chestnut Street, Lennon, Riverside Trust,
Certifications of Yield Taxes Assessed – New Page, Bayroot, LLC(2)
Chairman Catalano then read an email from Ann and Carmine Fabrizio requesting that the town consider allowing the Town Clerk’s Office to use credit cards. When asked what this would be for, Mrs. Fabrizio gave as examples, registering vehicles and paying taxes. Selectman Moroney said that Kelly has been working on this and had spoken with Veronica Francis regarding the town’s website as they have been wanting to do this for a while. Because we don’t own the site, we would have to set up another one and there would be a cost associated with all of this. Mrs. Fabrizio said she had canvassed 18 towns and of those, three would accept credit cards for tax payments only. Selectman Dowling asked she could provide him with the names of the towns so he can check with them and maybe get help with the process. Mrs. Fabrizio said she would. It was mentioned that being able to pay on-line would also be a plus. Discussion took place about what cards would be used such as credit and/or debit and any costs and fees, and it was said that the consumer pays all costs. Though it was said that the State Department of Motor Vehicles does not accept credit cards, Dan Walker advised they do as he has used them. It was decided to continue this discussion when the Town Clerk’s Office feels they have been able to acquire all of the information they might need regarding credit card use.

Dan Walker, Emergency Management Director, said he had received an email from Homeland Security regarding a nationwide study of energy usage and they are looking for communities to participate. They want to identify key structures that would need power in an emergency. Mr. Walker asked if we want to participate. This information may be used for us to get grants. He also thought it might put us closer to the top of the list of those who are deemed to need a generator, thus making it possible for us to get one. It was Mr. Walker’s thought to choose the Town Hall, as this would be used as a shelter, the Fire Department, the Police Station and the Water Pump Station. He went on to say that even though this was just recently received, it has to be in soon, by May 26, and does not require any signatures. The Board agreed he should fill out the form and submit it.

Chairman Catalano then said he had received a contract from Coppola Rockburn, the consulting firm he had spoken of previously to review the financial reports on which he has been working. He feels there is enough information from past to present for someone else to look at and verify and explained again that this had come from the various forms, etc. completed during the period. The Chairman reiterated things he understands will be happening, such as Grafton County having said they will need a supplemental tax increase as well as Coos County having said the same thing. He is hoping the review will tell us what it will look like over the next 12, 18 or 24 months and what the times will do to the cash flow. He also said that Carol Coppola had worked for the town around 2003 or 2004 so she was familiar with it. After he read the contract, Chairman Catalano said the Selectmen had previously approved $2,500 to be spent but said they were not sure yet where the money would come from. He then asked for comments. Selectman Moroney asked about the timeframe for completion as it was not noted. Though he said he believed it would be between four and six weeks, he also thought it depends on the availability of the people with whom they will speak, department heads, etc. He will ask that it be noted in the final contract. He said he feels they have much if not all of the information they will need, as he had to send a lot for them to work up the contract.

Selectman Dowling said he would like to approve it tonight to get going on it. Chairman Catalano agreed that because of the sense of urgency to get this done, he would like for the Board to decide where the money will come from in the budget today or very soon so it may be started. Chairman Catalano volunteered to call and have a completion date within a six-week timeframe can be inserted and ask that it be emailed back to him so copies may be sent to the other Selectmen. Chairman Catalano made a Motion To: Move forward with two caveats that they provide the projected completion date, not to exceed six weeks and that the Select Board identifies where they will find the $2,500 in the budget. Selectman Moroney stated that if the money is to come out of surplus, it will have to be approved by DRA. Selectman Dowling seconded and the Motion passed with two Ayes and one abstention. Chairman Catalano said he will get in touch with the firm tomorrow morning. He went on to say from discussions he has had recently with DRA, he has the feeling they will approve the request if made as he was told they think what is being done here is highly commendable.

Selectman Dowling spoke of the Action Form that had been brought up at a previous meeting and said how it was received and by whom, have been added to it. He reminded all that this is for use if anyone comes into the Town Hall with any issues whether they are land, departments or whatever. He went on to say the cost is $250 for 500 copies (they would be done in triplicate). He advised holding off from adopting this until after the consultant is finished. We will file it and bring it back up at a later time.


Selectman Moroney reminded everyone of the Memorial Day Parade starting at the Fire Station at 11 a.m. on Monday, May 30. She said this would be followed with a barbecue of hot dogs and hamburgers back at the Fire Station to which all are invited.

Selectman Dowling said that at the last meeting when the ambulance was discussed, it was said if we had to wait another two weeks, the quote would not be valid. He called and emailed the company and we have at least four months and the audit will be done and we’ll know where we are. He said the other thing Selectman Moroney brought up was that the Police didn’t bring state bids in and he said he didn’t say that – what he said was that he never got any.

Jeff Duncan referred to Selectman Dowling’s call and spoke of the Ambulance Committee who formed and did all the work on their own time. He felt the Select Board denigrated them by calling the company without speaking to them first. It was his thought they could have asked the Committee to make that call themselves. They did months and months of work voluntarily and felt much had been usurped by this call made without their knowledge, that they were quite frustrated to learn the following day that the Board had contacted them. He said he respects that the Board will and does have the prerogative to ask questions but he felt the Board could have handled it differently. Selectman Dowling said they had given the Board a deadline and he didn’t believe it. Chief Duncan said they had been given a deadline, but the Board could have asked them to make the call to try to get an extension themselves. Chairman Catalano said he didn’t think the intention was to denigrate anything that had been done as volunteerism is an important part of any town. He said timing appeared to be an issue and going back and forth between meetings might not be feasible. He also said he would hope the Committee wouldn’t overreact as it is not uncommon for people to look into things. Chief Duncan felt it was an individual acting rather than the Board, that that is why they come here Monday night, not for Tuesday to come and have them act as individuals. Chairman Catalano said he didn’t feel that way as it’s not always possible to have three people at the same place all of the time – he said he knows the meeting is where all decisions must be made. He said there is stuff that goes on and used as an example, Selectman Moroney working with the Town Clerk’s Office about credit card use. He said he didn’t know anything about that but that was okay. Chief Duncan said she had been working with a department, not the company. Chairman Catalano said he made the statement, though he could not remember to whom, that he felt the deadline would be extended if the company were called. After discussion of calls being made to ascertain cost, etc., by the Committee, Chief Duncan agreed that it would be acceptable for the Board to make follow up calls, he reiterated it was the way it was handled. Chairman Catalano went on to say that when the Select Board questions department heads, they should not take it as a personal affront as they have responsibilities as a Board to work with them and try to manage as effectively as they can the taxpayer dollars. Butch Garneau said he didn’t think it was an issue of time, but that the money was raised for that particular thing and why they were holding it from them. Chairman Catalano went on to say he had called DRA and Jamie Dow had been out for several months, so he spoke with another representative, and he explained about the special revenue fund. She was able to look up the original article that set up the fund and the recent one for authorizing the spending. He said he did not tell her he had an opinion on the matter, and explained that there are varying opinions of who has the authority to spend the money, some feel it is the Select Board who has the prudential and fiduciary responsibility for the funds whether they are authorized by the town legislation to be spent or not and there are others who believe, because it is a fire department special revenue fund, that the Fire Department head has that responsibility and can expend the money. Chairman Catalano said the rep said “absolutely positively the Select Board has the prudential responsibility and the fiduciary responsibility and there is nothing in either one of those warrant articles that calls out that someone besides the Select Board makes those decisions. She went on to say legally the only way anyone besides the Select Board can make those decisions is if it is specifically called out in the warrant articles that had passed. Selectman Moroney said no one was questioning the Select Board’s right or not, that this was a special revenue fund set up for this type of thing and people are questioning that it was voted for and the Select Board is holding it up. She reiterated that there is no impact on taxes. Chairman Catalano said he took exception to the statement that no one questioned their right, as he had someone say it in a meeting and that he had spoken to Jamie Dow at DRA. Mr. Garneau said it sounds as though they are getting different answers from different people. The Chairman said he has also gotten legal opinion and had the same answer. The Chairman said anyone could call if they’d like, just to please ask the question the same way he did.

Chairman Catalano said his only other item was that he had a call from Bernie Waugh and he was concerned about the amount of information provided by Laura Spector on the Rines excavation case. He was asking if it was all right for him to call Attorney Spector to discuss this with her. Selectman Dowling made a Motion To: Let Bernie Waugh make the call. Chairman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Moroney said she had a copy of the minutes from the April meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and though there is a freeze in place, they were assured by Selectman Dowling that their money will be forthcoming. She wasn’t aware of any discussion otherwise and though the money should be frozen as any other is. Chairman Catalano said he was under the assumption that it was. He said, however, that when the freeze was put in, it was with the idea that the normal operation of the town should not be interrupted. He said he is still hoping the “feel good” articles will be paid on time in June, stating that he is looking forward to the financial review being completed or nearly so. Selectman Moroney said in the past the town gave the Chamber a check for the full amount but that it should be different this year. Butch Garneau said money that might be absolutely needed should be released but any other should be frozen. Examples were given such as for payroll as the Information Booth will be opening soon and any advertising which may already be under contract. With the “feel good” articles having been mentioned, Al Strasser said he thinks they should be looked at every few years, as he thinks the town is paying what should be paid by the private sector.

Greg Hogan said he had a minimum impact expedited application for DES that requires the signatures of the Selectmen and asked if they would sign it. He explained that there is a collapsed culvert which needs to be replaced at the Recreation area and he was hoping to do it before the summer program started. Selectman Dowling made a Motion To: Sign the application and Selectman Moroney seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Catalano had a point of information he wanted to pass along and that was that Wells Fargo is in the process of foreclosing on property in Bretton Woods; namely, the golf courses, golf clubhouse, Alpine Club, health club, Rosebrook Water and Resort Waste System as well as many acres of undeveloped land. Al Strasser said it would be sold at public auction on June 23. Chairman Catalano said he didn’t know what the tax impact would be if it is sold at a low value, but also stated he has heard that there are people with a lot of money waiting.

Scott Sonia said he had spoken to the Board about a pressure reducing valve at the end of Parker Road. He gave the Board the three quotes he received and said he had received quotes from Danny Garneau, whom he will hire. He will have E.J. Prescott change out the valve at the same time that he will replace the hydrant as that is the only feed line to Route 3 North as the hydrant has been in since 1969 and as there is no gate valve to shut it off, he wants to shut off the water only once. He said he will hire Danny Garneau to help with the hydrant as he is very careful with his digging, he is diligent and does very clean, good work. Mr. Sonia explained the process for changing the valve and went on to say he has the hydrant and pressure reducing valve, but needs the Board’s permission to purchase the pressure sustaining clay valve from E.J. Prescott which is $4,355.75. He had also received quotes from Ti Sales and OCV. E.J.Prescott will also come to help on the project at a charge of $85 an hour plus mileage, which he does not have yet. Mr. Sonia estimates it will take most of a day and he will notify everyone on the system plus the Fire Chief when this will take place. Chairman Catalano asked when he wants to do this, and he responded that it takes three to five weeks to order the valve and he hopes to do that right away. When asked if he had the money in his budget, he responded that he does as he had planned to do three hydrants this year but will do only two if necessary to be sure to have it. Selectman Dowling made a Motion To: Let Scott do the repair. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for legal and three town aid matters at 8:26 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Catalano moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Catalano declared the meeting ended at 9:12 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, June 6, 2011.