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06/02/2011 PLBD Minutes

June 3rd, 2011

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
June 2, 2011

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions
and corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSAS 91-A: 2.”

Members of the Board present: Vice-Chair Evan Karpf, Frank Maturo, Donna Foster, Bill Dowling, Erik Bergum

Member of the Public present: Joan Karpf (filming),

Minutes taken by Rena Vecchio, Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance

Vice-Chair Evan Karpf declared a quorum and called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. There was no correspondence for the board.

The Vice-Chair asked if everyone had had a chance to look at the minutes. There were no corrections by the board. Bill Dowling made a motion to: approve the minutes of May 19, 2011 as written. Erik Bergum seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

At the last meeting, May 19th, there was an application before the board for a Boundary Line Adjustment brought forth by Jay Ouellette. The application was in order, the fees were all paid, abutters notified and proper advertisement was made in the local papers. However, at that time, the board failed to accept the application. Evan Karpf asked if there were any question at this time. There being no questions from the board, Erik Bergum made a motion to: accept the application from Jay Ouellette, for a Boundary Line Adjustment, Map 202, Lot 001-000-002, 273 Route 115, Twin Mountain, NH, as submitted. Bill Dowling seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Vice-Chair Karpf said he wanted to remind the board that they had to finish making corrections to the PLBD Regulations. He thought they could hold the final review in September 2011. Then they could hold a Public Hearing and vote on the amendments and changes in October. The Vice-Chair asked the secretary to email the board the list that had been started in 2010.

The secretary asked if the board would go over the applications and see if there were any changes or additions to be made. The Vice-Chair suggested emailing the applications to the board members and then they could review them. At the next meeting, the board members can make suggestions.

June 2, 2011 PLBD Page 2

Evan Karpf said that the PLBD is suppose to meet every month regardless of applications. However, due to the fiscal conditions of the state and town, Evan believes that if there are no applications or issues in front of the board or no agenda, the board will not meet. He asked the board how they felt and there was no opposition. So the decision was made to not meet if there were no applications or issues before the board, due to fiscal reasons.

Erik Bergum made a motion to: adjourn the meeting. Bill Dowling seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:08.