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DRAFT Minutes of October 24, 2011

October 27th, 2011

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2011
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Mark Catalano, Bonnie Moroney. Bill Dowling is on vacation and was excused.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Catalano

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Joan Karpf, Evan Karpf, Frank Maturo, Megan Rouillard, Mike Rouillard, Ken Richard, Sue Kraabel, Rena Vecchio, Ann Fabrizio, Mike Gooden, Carmine Fabrizio, Chris Pappas, Dan Walker, Leo Charrette, Jeremy Oleson, Dave Scalley

Pledge of Allegiance

Frank Maturo filmed the meeting.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Catalano tabled the minutes of October 17, 2011.

Stan Borkowski report has been received and posted.

The following items were approved and signed:

Certificates of Occupancy – Stahl, Stevenson/Brewer
Water Warrant – Ellis, Poggas, Gilman

The Salt Shed Bids and Contract item was tabled as Greg Hogan was unable to be in attendance.

Under Other:

Selectman Moroney said the Chairman did not second the motion last week to accept the budget as he wanted to continue a discussion with a department head so she asked if he is ready to do so this week. Chairman Catalano said he explained everything to them and they understood it was not finished. He said it would really not affect anything at this point anyway. He went on to say he was uncomfortable voting last week without Bill (Selectman Dowling) and he is uncomfortable voting this week without him, but he will vote with the caveat that he is not in agreement with a zero reduction and he believes it is not acceptable to write off what the Select Board and the department heads should do – and put off expensive tax bills onto the school only. He said there are things that can be done by the department heads and Select Board to bring the budget down and reduce the tax burden for the taxpayer. He said the school is high, but that is not an excuse not to reduce the budget. He went on to say he had spoken with people in other towns who have done some creative things to reduce their budgets. Rena Vecchio asked for a list of these towns and people so people here can do research, too. Chairman Catalano said he would give Maryclare a list the next day to post and hand out.

Selectman Moroney made a Motion that: the Select Board approve the proposed budget for 2012 with the same condition that insurance costs and payroll costs are still undetermined. Chairman Catalano said he would second it but wanted to be sure they would have the ability to adjust some of the account structure after they have accepted it. Selectman Moroney said normally all changes, etc. are made by the time they approve it and send it to the Budget Committee so she didn’t know. Sue Kraabel said there are a lot of different laws and things in New Hampshire and advised they should not approve it until they find out for sure. Chairman Catalano said he only wants the ability to change account structure in one department and that he does not want to change any money only structure. He asked the Secretary to call DRA to get an answer for this. When he has it, he said he will work on the budget to have it ready for the Selectmen’s appointment with the Budget Committee on Wednesday night. The Selectmen decided not to vote on the budget tonight.

Chairman Catalano advised that according to a report from Stan Borkowski after last week’s meeting, that David Scalley and Hunt Properties, LLC, do not have to go to the ZBA. He asked Joan Karpf who is the Chairman of the Zoning Board, if there needed to be a wording change in the ordinance to avoid further conflict. Mrs. Karpf said she feels Mr. Borkowski defined the issue and there is no more gray area. Brief discussion was held and stated if the Code Enforcer determines there is not a change of use then there is no action required by the ZBA, Planning Board or the Select Board. Mrs. Karpf said appeals may be made to the ZBA though. Evan Karpf said Mr. Borkowski determined by the ordinance that an apartment building is three or more apartments and Mr. Scalley has only two apartments, therefore the issue is eliminated.

Chairman Catalano returned to the budget and said he is interested in pursuing the idea he has as other towns have done similar. He said the Ambulance and Fire are one department now and all expense and revenue information is under one set of accounts. He is considering breaking out to two, separating them and he is discussing this with Jeff Duncan. He said there must be a way to do this in a more cost effective way or at least manage it better cost-wise. Reading from his notes, he started by saying there would be two separate departments with two separate department heads. The goal is to reduce the amount of burden from the taxpayer. The Special Revenue Account would be 100% to the Ambulance Department and the Fire Department would fund large expenses through Capital Reserve Funds. He correlated this with the separation of the Highway and Water Departments a few years ago, and also stated that they are trying to make the Transfer Station self-supporting by generating more funds. He said there has been talk of privatization but there are pros and cons about this and further he believes we should keep the revenue in this town. Sue Kraabel advised they need to consider the mechanics of expenses and the Special Revenue Fund. Chairman Catalano suggested maybe what they will have is a revolving account, but Mrs. Kraabel said she didn’t think they could do that. Rena Vecchio asked if payroll and expenses are coming out of the Special Revenue Account will they be able to keep it going and when a new ambulance is needed, would it also take care of that and he said yes it would. Chairman Catalano said there may be a time when the ambulance revenues go down so there wouldn’t be enough money to operate and in that case they would go to the General Fund or something. Mrs. Vecchio asked if the account lines as they are show the breakdown of expenses and was told they are not all broken out. She went on to say that it is time to find out what the cost of separating would be and she would like to see it. Chairman Catalano said if it can’t all be done maybe they’d parcel some out some for this year. He went on to say it’s to take the tax burden off the 763 residents of town as it’s not fair that they should bear all of it when the majority of the users are from out of town . Discussion ensued that it’s not just year ‘round residents who pay taxes but anybody who owns property in the town pays and that places where all these people stay pay taxes as well. Dave Scalley added that health insurance plans pay for the service also, so it is not just taxpayers. Sue Kraabel said as Treasurer and the person who has custody of the funds, they have $200,000 sitting in NH PDIP earning nothing, and if they are not going to spend it on the vehicles for which it was intended, they should do something with the money that it might at least earn a little bit.

Mike Rouillard said he realizes he wasn’t at previous meetings where it has been discussed many, many times but he wanted to know if they voted to purchase an ambulance, why they are not getting it. Chairman Catalano reiterated that it was voted by the people, the Legislative branch of town, not to buy an ambulance but to authorize the Select Board to expend the money to buy an ambulance. Discussion took place regarding the change of the economy, etc. since March when the vote took place and things also not understood at the time, such as the tax abatements that were ruled in favor of and the number that are supposedly to come in which are based on property value. So we must get creative and find ways to fund these either by an increase of taxes or a reduction of costs and that’s why they froze all unnecessary spending to allow them to look forward. He said he learned at an LGC workshop and said anyone can call and they will tell that one of the biggest failures of Select Boards is not to look into the future. Mr. Rouillard referred to the earlier discussion of separating the departments and asked if the money will still be available for large purchases. Chairman Catalano spoke of the CIP plan that tells the needs for the next ten years and that he has information on maintenance which shows the amount of money to spend over a period of time and about capital reserves and funding these each year. He went on to say that his charts show that over a period of 20 years the town went from a budget of $500,000 to $850,000 but in four years it went to $1.9 million. He stated that currently New Hampshire has the highest per capital income of any state and the lowest unemployment rate but that it won’t stay that way. Mr. Rouillard confirmed that DRA looks at what goes on the ballot and was told yes, as does the Town attorney. Mr. Rouillard repeated that he has a hard time understanding when something is on the ballot and people vote to approve it, why it is not done. He said he has tried to teach his children the importance of voting but this is very discouraging. There was a brief discussion of the Select Board’s acting as agents for the Special Revenue Account.
Joan Karpf asked what the reason was that Mr. Rouillard believed the town needed an ambulance and what made people think we needed it, as in what information did they get. It was explained to Mrs. Karpf that there were many reasons shown in numerous presentations and explanations by the Department Head which included schedule, usage, mileage, hours, to name a few. Mrs. Karpf said she went to all the Budget Committee meetings last year and there was never an explanation. Selectman Moroney said she sat on the Budget Committee and knew for a fact that Jeff Duncan made several presentations to them. Sue Kraabel said she has been to umpteen meetings where this has been discussed and the voters voted for it, so they should just buy it.
Mr. Rouillard asked if the town does vote for the restructure, what will happen. He said years ago this fund was set up for the same reason and it doesn’t matter. Mrs. Vecchio wanted to clarify for Mrs. Karpf that Mr. Rouillard and his family have been very involved with fire and ambulance for many years and they are aware from their own experience and knowledge what is needed, not just from something someone may have told them. Mr. Rouillard said there were a lot of others who would have been here tonight, but they’re all up on a mountain getting someone off. He concluded by saying people don’t have any idea what really goes on and they do.

Joan Karpf said as Chair of the Conservation Commission, Greg Hogan had presented something previously about changing a culvert and she wondered about the status. The Secretary said he was most likely going to do something different because what DES wants them to do is ridiculous and very expensive, to the tune of about $3,000 – simply to replace a broken culvert at the Recreation area. She said she would talk with Mr. Hogan.

Dave Scalley said he just wanted to clarify his status as last week the Select Board asked him to go to the ZBA about his property and the determination was made during the week that he does not have to. This being the case, he would like a motion as in years to come should anyone look, he wants it to show that he was told he didn’t need to go not that he ignored it. Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Rescind the Select Board’s request on October 17, 2011, that Mr. Scalley should go to the ZBA regarding the two apartments in the building owned by Hunt Properties, LLC. Chairman Catalano seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for town aid and personnel matters at 8:15 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Catalano moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Catalano declared the meeting ended at 10:01 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, October 31, 2011.