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APPROVED Minutes of 11/7/2011

November 29th, 2011

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2011
APPROVED 11/28/2011
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Mark Catalano, Bonnie Moroney, Bill Dowling

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Catalano

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Frank Maturo, Calvin Belknap, Carmine Fabrizio, Ann Fabrizio, Mike Gooden, Scott Sonia, John Trammell, Jeff Duncan, Bill Smalley, Al Strasser, Evan Karpf

Pledge of Allegiance

Frank Maturo filmed the meeting.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Chairman Catalano began with the Public Hearing to accept the unanticipated funds of $11,175. This money is insurance reimbursement for the police cruiser that was totaled in the accident in early September. As there was no discussion, Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Accept the funds in the amount of $11,175 reimbursed to the town. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Catalano declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:02 p.m. and continued with the Selectmen’s meeting.

Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Accept the minutes of October 31, 2011, as written. Chairman Catalano seconded and the Motion was approved unanimously.

Chairman Catalano is the Selectmen’s rep on the Budget Committee and gave a brief update on the budget process. Department heads are coming each week as scheduled and they have set the date of January 4, for the Public Hearing with a second scheduled for January 10, if needed. Chairman Catalano went on to say he and Chief Duncan had met twice the previous week and he is cautiously optimistic they will come to a reasonable conclusion. When asked what they’ve reached so far, he said he didn’t want to discuss it publicly yet as they are not quite finished. He said he wanted to comment about the budgets overall as he was rather disappointed that it looks like the budget going to the Budget Committee is within $10 of last year’s. He said he’ll be looking to see if changes may be made through the Budget Committee and maybe the Select Board. Chairman Catalano announced that Sue Kraabel is the new Budget Committee Chairman. Bill Vecchio had to resign as Chairman due to personal commitments taking more time than he expected, but he is still a member of the Committee.

The following items were approved and signed:

Town Hall Use Permit Application – Twin Mt. Recreation/Whitefield Recreation
Water Warrant – Lennon, State of NH, Pike Industries, J Four Realty, Simmons, Preston, 754
Chestnut Street

Chairman Catalano said at the previous meeting the Town was asked to accept a donation of a Compaq Tablet PC for the specific use by the Town’s PEG access channel. It was tabled to find out if it would be legal to do so. Chairman Catalano read the Motion: To accept the anonymous donation to the Town of Carroll of an HP Compaq Tablet PC, serial number CND527082R for the specific use by the Town’s PEG access channel. He said Town Counsel was asked and he said there is no legal reason not to accept it as long as the legislative body has voted to authorize the Select Board to accept gifts according to RSA 31:95-E. Selectman Dowling said this was voted on and adopted in 1991. It was noted donations had been accepted in years past through John Trammell and Evan Karpf. Discussion came up about holding a public hearing if the value is in excess of $500 and Selectman Dowling said it is not as it is about ten years old.

Discussion turned to RSA’s 31:104, 105 and 106. These also were brought up at the prior meeting and tabled until Town Counsel could be consulted. Chairman Catalano read Bernie Waugh’s response which said 105 is the only one to be considered as 104 and 106 are automatic, and if 105 has already been voted on, it doesn’t need to be done again to update – unless they want to. Al Strasser said it has already been adopted at least twice, but it wouldn’t hurt anything if they want to do it again. Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: Adopt RSA 35:105 and Selectman Dowling seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

Payment for the new police cruiser came next and Selectman Moroney said when they discussed it before, Selectman Dowling said the balance could come from the Capital Reserve Fund which could be done without a vote of the people. She said she thought it had to be voted on and when they checked, they found the Selectmen are the authorized agents and may spend without a specific vote. So as previously discussed, payment will be made as follows: $12,175 (insurance reimbursement including the deductible when it arrives), $4,500 from the PD vehicle repairs and maintenance line and the balance, $6,770 from the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund, for a total of $23,445. The cruiser will arrive with just the graphics and it will be taken to Littleton for installation of the equipment and it was noted insurance will cover all of this.

Chairman Catalano read an email from George Brodeur, Sr. (attached). Mr. Brodeur requested that it be read as he was unable to attend this meeting, due to his attendance at a meeting in another town. This email was regarding the Cable TV Committee’s issue with Channel 2, the Public TV station and the TV Consortium in Littleton and the fact that they are having trouble getting their meetings aired and having phone calls returned. Chairman Catalano asked if there were any comments and Selectman Dowling had none. Selectman Moroney said this answered a number of questions she had initially. She said she feels it would be good to discuss this with Bob O’Connor, who runs Channel 2, and ask him to come to a Selectmen’s meeting. Chairman Catalano said that would be a good idea if he’ll show up, as he has said in the past that he would come and has not. He suggested that we should invite him and have the Cable Committee here to talk with him.

Chairman Catalano said he didn’t see anything different in the email than what he said at last week’s meeting. Selectman Moroney said he spoke of taking the franchise fees from the General Fund to use. Chairman Catalano said he didn’t, that someone spoke out of turn on the Cable Committee, as they have been having discussions within the Committee about where they were coming from, where they would get the money, etc. He said they’ve talked about everything from bake sales to the franchise fees. He went on to say he hadn’t seen Mr. Brodeur at more than two meetings since he’s been a Selectman and he guessed Mr. Brodeur didn’t read any of the minutes from before as he would have known there were other meetings they also want to have on television. Part of the email referred to payments by the Town of Littleton and the Littleton School District as well as fees paid by a couple of businesses that are seen scrolling through; the Littleton Hospital and Dan Hebert Mechanical. Chairman Catalano said it is illegal to charge money to be on the channel and it sounds to him like “pay to play.” He continued saying he was stunned by people on this Board and in this town. They will come and fight and argue for $140,000 when they already have two ambulances that are fine, instead of talking about $10,000 or $12,000 to insure the steady flow of information to the public to assure transparency. He said he is blown away by the short-sightedness. He referred to the rancor in town being “Hatfield and McCoy-like” and included all town departments. He also spoke again of the budget not coming down and the fact that he had run on a platform of transparency and feels it is common sense to insure what takes place at these meetings is seen by the public. Selectman Moroney said it’s a matter of how you look at it and feels more effort working with Littleton should be the first thing. She said conflicts have been building in this town for awhile and they won’t be cured overnight. Chairman Catalano asked if they shouldn’t be doing something about it – and if George Brodeur has pull, maybe he’ll help get Bob O’Connor here. Selectman Dowling said it is public access and if a video is made, it must be played and they can’t get the Budget Committee, Planning Board, etc. on. If it’s the only outlet and they want it on, then they have to find another way. Ann Fabrizio said what’s making people so unhappy is they voted for an ambulance and that’s what they want. They have a right to vote – how can they say it’s not good. Chairman Catalano said he didn’t, but the Select Board has the right to overrule in certain situations and if State Legislature felt that was usurping the public, they wouldn’t have had it this way for so many years. He also said voting happens once a year and as things change during that time the Board must act. When asked when we might know something concrete, Chairman Catalano said before voting in March.


Allen Strasser referred to the “Hatfields and McCoys” and said he had seen a person who said nothing has changed here – that the employees are still running the town. According to Mr. Strasser the Fire Chief and the Police Chief have been “electioneering” for years and they should be told to shut up. After more talk of employees, etc., Mr. Strasser told the Select Board they should change this or replace the chiefs. More discussion took place at which time Calvin Belknap said it is important to state that you can’t blame the Police or Fire Chief for standing up for their departments – that’s why they are the department heads. He said in their eyes, they see life safety – in others’, it’s dollars and cents. Mr. Strasser said what he is referring to is not stopping the chiefs from their jobs, and repeated they should shut up. Selectman Moroney said they have the right as department heads to talk and besides that they are residents of this town. Chairman Catalano said we need to understand and to support as best as we can, however, if the Board is going to work hard on the budget, they need to also. Mr. Belknap said it’s tough to have the same conversation and put both life safety and money together. Chairman Catalano said nobody except maybe himself has been pushing back. He said there’s a tidal wave coming and repeated his warnings of reductions in revenue, etc. He said nobody wants to make the tough decisions, such as affecting hours, etc. He went on to say that we have to find proactive ways to generate revenue, but that budgets have to be reduced, also. Mr. Belknap said he agrees, but they are never going to save their way out of this recession, to which Chairman Catalano responded that the town must be as frugal as they can be and find revenue as well as reduce spending. Mr. Strasser said spending here is too high – that it’s the highest in the state. He spoke of budgets and spending over the last number of years.

Mike Gooden referred to the Cable Committee and said he thought it was about rates with Time Warner but now they’re talking videos and making a line item in the budget. He said it seems like the priority now is to do videos and referred to a discussion about money for them at the Budget Committee weeks ago, when they should be putting money into police protection. Chairman Catalano said no one is suggesting that they underfund the Police Department. Al Strasser asked why Littleton with 5,000 people have five fulltime police and we with 750 people have four fulltime police. Chairman Catalano stated if we need money for the police, we will find it, but he added that we are not obligated to have police, fire or ambulance service.

The Secretary said the Water Department had sold an old truck a while ago and when the check was received, it was put into the General Fund. Therefore, the Selectmen need to decide to move it to the Water Department. Selectman Moroney made a Motion to: Transfer the money from the General Fund to the Water Department. Selectman Dowling seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Dowling asked if all the department heads has gotten a copy of the Bid Policy – those in attendance said they had not, so he asked that all be sent one.

Selectman Dowling spoke of the energy audit that was done, which he said he had read through and was very comprehensive. He said a second one is coming and suggested waiting for that before deciding to do anything. There was a brief discussion and he said it may take spending some money to save money but they should be thinking of it. He said Bill Vecchio is looking at programs that PSNH may have, but he feels if they are too far out, that maybe we shouldn’t wait as we need to start somewhere.

Selectman Dowling said the County tax bill has been received and is more than $200, 000 higher than last year.

Next, Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Appoint Jane Ikasalo to the Cable TV Committee. Chairman Catalano seconded. Selectman Dowling said in the past it has been said they were looking for new faces on boards and she has never been on any. He said she has a mind of her own and will speak up – he said she’s a good person. Chairman Catalano called for a vote and there were two ayes and one abstention. The Motion passed.

Chairman Catalano asked Chief Trammell about the ordinances that are being updated. Chief Trammell said they had just received updates from the State and he said he knows Officer Brown wants to be on the agenda at some point to discuss these. Chief Trammell said the Alarm Ordinance is being worked on and they’ll try for completion during the next few weeks.

Chairman Catalano asked about the status of the new employee manual and when it will be at the lawyer’s. The Secretary advised that the entire manual is there and she was asked to email to find out when it may be returned.

Chairman Catalano said they spoke of Select Board Assignment Policy earlier, but hadn’t completed it. Selectman Moroney said that was because they had decided what they wanted and gave her what was left, which was what it was. Chairman Catalano had the list and asked if she wanted to discuss it now or take some time to think about it and do it later which she thought that she would like to do as she hadn’t seen the total list. After brief discussion, Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Accept the list that Chairman Catalano had and Chairman Catalano seconded. The vote was two yeas and one nay and the Motion carried.

Al Strasser had a list of items (attached as requested by Mr. Strasser) which he spoke to including the employee manual which he requested the Board sign the new one as soon as they can. He said they need to stop allowing the treasury to spend money not required by law. He referred specifically to article 36.2 that includes the payout of unused vacation and sick time when an employee gets done. The particular article includes a caveat that it is not yet included as it would require a vote of the people for a warrant article to fund it. Selectman Dowling said this is required by the Department of Labor and the town must comply. Mr. Strasser stated that he wanted Chairman Catalano, no one else, to call the attorney and get a legal ruling on what has to be paid. He does not want to allow unfunded mandates to be paid. Selectman Dowling said when he went part time he felt he was short-changed on his time, so he contacted the Labor Dept. They said all earned time, vacation and sick time, has to be paid. He said we can send it to the lawyer but it’s a waste of time as we already have our answer. Mr. Strasser said the Labor Board only deals with unions to which Selectman Dowling said no, they deal with all employees. Chairman Catalano said we will get a legal review.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for town aid and personnel matters at 8:35 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Catalano moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Dowling seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Catalano declared the meeting ended at 10:02 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, November 14, 2011.