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DRAFT Minutes of 12/12/11

December 16th, 2011

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2011
"These minutes of the Town of Carroll Select Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and corrections by the Select Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91-A:2."

Minutes recorded by Maryclare Quigley, Secretary

Board members present: Mark Catalano, Bonnie Moroney, Bill Dowling

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Catalano

Members of the public present: Roberta McGee, Evan Karpf, Joan Karpf, Linda Dowling, Jim Covey, Judy Pappas, Chris Pappas, Ann Fabrizio, Carmine Fabrizio, Mike Gooden, Mary Devine, Scott Sonia, Greg Hogan, Frank Maturo, Jeff Duncan, Andy Martel, Bill Smalley, John Trammell, Greg Lasko, Janet Nelson, Ben Jellison

Pledge of Allegiance

Linda Dowling filmed the meeting.

The Board announced the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Selectman Dowling asked that the Ambulance Purchase and Sales Agreement be tabled as he hadn’t seen it before tonight. Selectman Moroney said they had been emailed several days ago and Selectman Dowling said he had been away over the weekend and repeated this was the first he had seen of it. Chairman Catalano asked Jeff Duncan about any changes. Chief Duncan said that was the reason they sent it ahead as they thought there might be questions. He also said that was why, inasmuch as they had told the Selectmen last week that they would have it by December 19th, they pushed to get it early. Chairman Catalano said their intention is to move forward and do it this year and confirmed with Chief Duncan that the price would hold for the next meeting, thus they could review the paperwork and still be well within the timeframe.

The following items were approved and signed:

Property Tax Abatement – Hogan (Police Station)
Water Warrant – Burt
Certificate of Occupancy – MWH Construction: D.M. Currier/Friel

Chairman Catalano spoke of Zoning Board appointments, but said he was unclear about this and deferred to Joan Karpf. Mrs. Karpf, Board Chair, said with getting ready for elections in March, current terms have been looked at and she had received an email from the Office that because Paul Bussiere and she had terms that expired in 2011, it was assumed they had been reappointed for another term of three years each. The Secretary corroborated this exchange had been the case. Therefore, Mrs. Karpf said she would like this to be taken care of so all will be done properly. Chairman Catalano said he needed a Motion to reappoint Joan Karpf and Paul Bussiere to the Zoning Board for three year terms, expiring in 2014. Selectman Dowling said he would make the Motion. Chairman Catalano seconded and it passed unanimously. It was stated Mrs. Karpf and Mr. Bussiere would need to take the Oath of Office with the Town Clerk and Mrs. Karpf went in at that time.

Chairman Catalano went on with the balance of 2011 donation warrant articles. He explained these are basically what are referred to as the “feel good” articles as they are mostly donations to non-profit charities and because of cash flow; they are paid in two installments, one in June and the other in December. He briefly explained some of them. Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: Pay the balance of these warrant articles. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed.

The Real Data transfer was next and the Secretary explained this is the information about the transfer of property in the town from October 1, 2010, through September 30, 2011. She said this was formerly done in the Selectmen’s Office, but because of a change in the information now reported and the only access to that is in the Tax Collector’s Office, that Office now does the report. The man the were working with from the Real Data Office had been unavailable for quite a long time, but now that he has returned they are hoping to complete the report this week. To that end, the data will be electronically transferred to the State and a document signed by the Town is required allowing the State to actually work with the information. The request is that upon completion, the Selectman may sign the document during the week. Once signed, a copy will be available for anyone who wishes to see it.

The Secretary announced there is a workshop in Concord on Wednesday, the 14th, at New Hampshire Retirement System. She and Rena will both attend as it is to do with Legislative changes and new House Bills having to do with how reporting will be done.


Selectman Dowling said he wanted to encumber the funds from the TV franchise fees for the new television agreement. Selectman Moroney said the review from Bernie Waugh had been received this afternoon and said she’d like to read it. Chairman Catalano said he hadn’t seen it yet, but agreed that she read it (attached). Chairman Catalano re-read some parts of it. Janet Nelson said that she believes the RSA means that it needs to be voted on by the public. Chairman Catalano said no, if the RSA was in the 1988 cable agreement, it was approved by the Town. There was discussion on what the email meant and there were differing thoughts. It was suggested to go back to Attorney Waugh for him to clarify what it means. Selectman Dowling said encumbering the money tonight is not giving it to anyone, just doing it so the money doesn’t lapse. After further discussion, it was decided they should go back to Attorney Waugh and Chairman Catalano made the Motion to: Go back to Attorney Waugh with notes for his revised position. Selectman Dowling seconded and the vote was 2 yeas, 1 abstention. The Motion passed. Chairman Catalano said they will not be encumbering any money until after they hear from Attorney Waugh.

Mrs. Karpf had gone in to take her Oath of Office with the Town Clerk, so the document had been put forth. Chairman Catalano read it and Selectman Dowling made a Motion to: Sign the Oath of Office by Joan Karpf. Chairman Catalano seconded and it passed unanimously.

Selectman Moroney said last week they were trying to determine where to find money to cover the shortfall from the Capital Reserve Fund for the new cruiser. She said since they found out they cannot use their contingency fund; she requested that they use that money. All agreed.

Chairman Catalano had an update from Attorney Waugh regarding the revised employee manual and he said it should be ready by Wednesday. As they had said they would go over it with the employees when it came back, they discussed when to try for a meeting. Selectman Moroney suggested copies be given to all the employees and they meet at 6 p.m. before the meeting on December 19. All agreed to this.

Greg Hogan said the wanted to give a brief update on the roads. He said he’s been to a lot of schooling, seminars, etc., and said there are a number of new processes available now for roads. He said they have to start somewhere so he decided to start on the worst one, New Straw Road. Without the cost of the culvert, which he is still working on, the cost using the new process will be $107,044 to do the road and it will be done in one week. This compares to a cost of $500,000 doing it the old way. He said it has a life of 20 years and where it has been done, they have had good success. He said rocks will be removed and the surface will be pulverized in place. Selectman Dowling said this has been used in many other states as well as several other towns in New Hampshire, including Monroe. It was noted the project will be put out to bid but that Mr. Hogan had to get a price to do a warrant article. He went on to discuss the culvert and said what is there now is a six foot steel one about ten feet down. He has done research and has pricing coming, but said they will probably sleeve it and be done. Mr. Hogan said this will not be cheap but will be cheaper than digging it all up and replacing it. When asked, he said they will not be touching any water lines. Joan Karpf asked how much was in the Capital Reserve Fund and upon looking Chairman Catalano said $111,000 is coming due in June and $20,000 is available now. Mr. Hogan said if necessary, the culvert could be done at a later time as it doesn’t affect the road at all. He said he will run a warrant article with the amount in the Capital Reserve Fund and any balance by taxation. The Selectmen thanked him for his work on this.

Janet Nelson said she can’t be at the next meeting because of a prior commitment, but asked for clarity on the ambulance – if next week is the last meeting, will they be able to get it in. Chairman Catalano said according to the quote they are good until next Monday. He said they will be able to vote on it next week and asked Jeff Duncan if it would be okay, and he said yes.

As there was no further business, the Board was polled and went into non-public session for town aid and personnel matters at 8:00 p.m.

At the close of Non-Public Session, Chairman Catalano moved to return to Public Session and seal the minutes from Non-Public Session. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further discussion, Chairman Catalano made a Motion to: adjourn the meeting. Selectman Moroney seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Catalano declared the meeting ended at 9:46 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, December 19, 2011.