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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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January 19th, 2012

Carroll Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
December 1, 2011

January 5, 2012

“These minutes of the Town of Carroll Planning Board have been recorded by its Secretary. Though believed to be accurate and correct they are subject to additions, deletions and
corrections by the Planning Board at its next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. They are being made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSAS 91-A: 2.”

Members of the Board present: Vice-Chair Evan Karpf, Donna Foster, Bill Dowling, Erik Bergum, Ernie Temple and Ken Mills

Members of the Public present: None

Minutes taken by Rena Vecchio, Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance

Vice-Chair Evan Karpf declared a quorum and called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Evan asked if all of the board had the opportunity to read the minutes of November 3, 2011 and if they were ready to approve them or not. Evan said he had a few changes to make:

1. Page 1, second paragraph after the pledge of allegiance, Evan asked that the conversation saying Dave Scalley was aware that after 3 apartments he would have to consult with Stan Borkowski for direction, be added after the motion.
2. Page 2, last paragraph 3.08, (referencing Subdivision Regulations, Page 6) be rewritten as sentences had been skipped and/or left out.
3. Page 5, #8.4, add feet after the word and number 200.

Bill Dowling made a motion to: accept the minutes of November 3, 2011 with the changes. Erik Bergum seconded and the motion passed with 4 ayes. Ken Mills and Ernie Temple abstained as they had not been present. (All changes to the minutes are shown in the approved
minutes of November 3, 2011.)

Next on the agenda was the required ordinance changes to be adopted through the Zoning Amendment process. The Town of Carroll is a participating community in the National Flood Plan Program and changes need to be made to remain compliant in the Program. This is required any time new FEMA maps are produced.

There being no issues with the board, Evan said he would entertain a motion. The Vice- Chair stated that this was the Public Hearing and there was no public present. Ernie Temple made a

December 1, 2011 Page 2

motion to: adopt the recommended warrant articles for the proposed zoning amendments. Bill Dowling seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (A copy is available in the town office.)

The second item that was sent was the required language that must be included in the Town of Carroll’s Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations. The language must appear in our regulations or the Planning Board must adopt it because the Town of Carrroll participates in the National Flood Insurance Program. Once again, this was a Public Hearing and there was no public present.

Bill Dowling made a motion to: adopt the National Flood Insurance Requirements for Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations. Ernie Temple seconded and the motion passed unanimously. (A copy is available in the town office.)

Evan said that he had contacted the Local Government Center (LGC) on whether the Planning Board could skip meetings if there were no applications in front of the board. Paul Sanderson from the LGC wrote in an email that the Planning Board was required to hold meetings. The board should be working on Master Plan or the CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) as they are the ones to be working on both. Evan said that is what they will do.

The last item on the agenda was a “draft” letter from Stan Borkowski on signage. Stan had asked the board to look at it and send any thoughts back to him. The letter will be given with suggestions to Stan and Maryclare.

Erik Bergum made a motion to: adjourn the meeting. Ernie Temple seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting ended at 8:00.