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Minutes of Town Board Meetings

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Minutes of 02/27/2006

March 7th, 2006

Carroll Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2006

Board members present: Jay Ouellette, William Wright

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

Members of the public present: Doug Bews, Carmine Fabrizio, Ann Fabrizio, Billy Rines, Tom Gately, Joan Karpf, Jeff Duncan, Dale Shakespeare, Leo Lavallee

The board began with the approval of bills and signing of checks.

Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the minutes from 02/13/2006. The motion was seconded by Chairman Ouellette and passed unanimously.

The following documents were read and signed by the selectmen.

Water Abatement in the amount of $364.88 for Rhonda Jenness
Letter to Paul Bussiere acknowledging the fact that Woods Road on Map 206 Lot 95 is private property and not a town road
Approval letter to NH for Gregory Hogan /Different Strokes Recreation to become a Motorcycle Inspection Station

Chairman Ouellette read the email from Town Counsel Bernie Waugh and explained that the amendment to Rep. King’s AMC house bill would confirm the tax exempt status of the AMC. It was suggested that we contact our representatives to get the bill re-submitted without the amendment attached. Doug Bews suggested we take the AMC building by eminent domain and use it as a school our children. He also said that Veterans’ organizations and churches are the only 501(c)(3) groups allowed to serve alcohol, and that the AMC is violating this provision. He felt the house bill should have targeted other 501(c) (3) groups, not just the AMC. Questions about what charitable causes the AMC supported, and Joan Karpf stated that their exempt status comes from the educational programs they run rather than charitable work.

Jeff Duncan asked the board why the payroll deductions for NH Retirement and Health Insurance are not being done pre-tax. The office will research and see about changing this policy.

Leo Lavallee asked why the town is being re-appraised now when we had a full revaluation done in 2004. Chairman Ouellette explained that we are supposed to update properties 25% per year, and since we Avitar did none last year, the new assessor is doing 50% of the town this year. He also explained that unless there is a dramatic change in the equalization rate, there will be no tax impact on the property values until 2009. When Mr. Lavallee asked why other towns in the district had not been revalued recently, Joan Karpf explained that the state mandates every 5 years, and the other towns would have to comply. They have not had the dramatic changes in their equalization rates as we have.

Mr. Lavallee also asked what was happening with the Article 15 Committee and the funds appropriated to solve the school tax problems. Chairman Ouellette explained that funds had been spent on research by town members, lawyers and professional consultants in an effort to come up with a solution. As far as taking this to court, the committee and professionals felt it was not the proper time. Joan Karpf stated that while the per pupil cost of approximately $25,000 is correct, we should look at the overall tax rates in both Carroll and other towns in the district. She did not list state and county rates, but gave the following rates for 2005.
School Town Total Tax Rate
Carroll 7.46 3.44 16.58
Jefferson 15.70 2.31 27.40
Dalton 11.24 6.47 25.27
Lancaster 9.64 6.90 22.88

She said one way to look at education costs is to view it has a philosophy of community, such as in social security, welfare, and Medicaid. Everyone pools their money together for community use; you don’t pay by what you use.
Dale Shakespeare expressed his opinion that Twin Mountain is a dying town for the motels. Ms. Karpf said that may be the case for small businesses, but the property values are continuing to climb.

Doug Bews stated that as soon as we can figure out where to put our kids, we should do something about getting out of the school district, as the taxes are only going to go up. Both he and Ms. Karpf felt we should look into building our own school in town. Mr. Duncan mentioned the infrastructure task force that is proposed on this year’s warrant is the resource for this project. They could certainly look into the possibility of building a town school.

Ms. Karpf asked the selectmen if they had any information about the selectmen pursuing the task of separating Twin Mountain and Bretton Woods, as she had an email from Representative Tholl regarding the selectmen wanting to meet with the county delegation regarding this. Neither Chairman Ouellette nor Selectman Wright knew anything about it. She asked if there had been a vote by the selectmen regarding this meeting. She was told there was no vote. Ms. Karpf then asked if the two selectmen present would be in favor of the separation. Selectman Wright replied that he would not; Chairman Ouellette stated he had not seen enough information to state an opinion.

At 7:40 PM, as there was no additional business, Selectman Wright made a motion to go into executive session regarding personnel matters. This was seconded by Chairman Ouellette. The motion passed unanimously.

At the close of executive session, Selectman Wright made a motion to return to public session and seal the minutes from executive session; Chairman Ouellette seconded and the motion passed unanimously. At 8:55 PM a motion was made to adjourn for the evening, which was seconded, and passed unanimously.